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"Mom," Gabbie called from the kitchen. "I need you to come with me to this thing I have later."

"Sure, honey, what is it?" Her mother asked, walking into the room.

"Just an appointment."

It had been a little less than two months, and luckily, Gabriela wasn't showing that much. She had a naturally slender body, so her baby bump wasn't growing as large as other women's. She had managed to hide her morning sickness until that phase passed, Jack helping her every step of the way. She was having trouble once she returned to Florida after the first month, Jack not being there to comfort her. But today, they decided to tell their parents. Gabbie and her family were back in LA for the weekend before going to Minnesota.

Around 3pm, Jack knocked on the door, kissing his girlfriend when she opened it. "Hey there, gorgeous."

Gabbie blushed. "Hello, handsome."

"How are you holding up?" He asked. She shrugged.

"Ok, I guess," she replied without emotion. "Ready?"


"Mom, we're going now," Gabbie called. Jack drove his girlfriend and her mom for more than half an hour. He finally pulled the car into the underground parking lot.

"Jack, where are we?" Gabbie's mom, Lisa, asked. Jack said nothing. He opened the door for Gabbie and put his hand on the small of her back, guiding her towards the building. Lisa read the sign above the doorway. 'Pacific Ultrasound.'

"Gabriela, this had better not be what I think it is," her mother said, her voice quivering with worry. Gabbie said nothing.

She signed in at the front desk, and waited until her nurse called her name. Lisa and Jack followed her into the ultrasound room. Her mom covered her mouth with her hand, unable to think.

The nurse put the cool gel on Gabbie's small belly, and said, "You are indeed pregnant, here's its head, and those are its toes." She pointed on the screen, making out the fetus' features. Small tears fell from Gabbie's eyes as she gripped Jack's hand.

"It's our baby, Jack," she whispered. He kissed her cheek and smiled.

"Our baby."


Jack gathered his family in the living room and held Gabbie's hand as they waited impatiently.

"So, Gabriela and I are having a baby," Jack said, proudly.

Jack's mom shrieked. "Oh, Jack! Really?"

He smiled and kissed Gabbie. "Really." Gabbie held her stomach even though no one could see her bump.

Jack's mother, Kristin, jumped up and hugged Gabbie loosely, minding the fetus. "I'm so happy for you."

"I know you'll be great parents," Jack's stepdad, Darrin, said, patting Jack's back. "You'd better hold on to her and never let go."

"Oh, I'm never letting go of this woman right here," Jack said, kissing the girl he loved so much. The mother of his child.

[✔️] My Angel ~ Jack Avery & Gabriela GonzalezWhere stories live. Discover now