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Rarity's POV

"We did it!" I exclaimed. "Applejack we graduated!" AJ just gave me a massive hug and a kiss on the lips. "I knew you could do it, you always had such a big brain in that gorgeous head of yours." She said. Applejack and I went to go take photos with my parents and her family. "After we get these developed, I can add them to our scrapbook." I told Applejack. "Because you don't have enough photos from the past 9 months together?" AJ asked me with an eye-roll and a smile. "No, I most certainly do not have enough photos. This is a big day for us!" I replied. We went and found our friends and took photos with them as well. "Oooooo I can't wait to paste these to the wall of Sugarcube Corner!" Pinkie practically yelled. "And we can't wait to have them on our wall." Said Mr. and Mrs. Cake simultaneously while trying to catch the twins before they ran off. I scooped up Pumpkin and held her on my hip while Applejack and Rainbow took a photo of just the two of them. I couldn't be happier, I have my girl, I have my friends, I graduated highschool. Now I can focus on my boutique and help AJ on the farm when I have spare time. Maybe I'll even get to open a shop in Canterlot itself! Mrs. Cake came over and interrupted my thoughts by taking Pumpkin out of my arms and putting her back in the stroller. "You know dear" Mrs. Cake said. "I think you and Applejack would make wonderful parents one day." I looked at Mrs. Cake with wide eyes. "I wasn't even thinking about having children yet!" I exclaimed. AJ and I haven't even talked about having kids. We haven't even really talked about getting married yet. Mrs. Cake just laughed and said "Oh don't worry, there is more than enough time to think about it, don't worry for now." She took Pumpkin and Pound and went to go find Mr. Cake. We were all supposed to go to Sugarcube Corner for the graduation celebration that Pinkie Pie had put together. 


While Rare was busy with the twins and Mrs. Cake, Pinkie pulled me aside and asked me to show her the ring again. "Pinkie I've already showed you the darn thing a million times now." I said as I rolled my eyes. "I know but I'm just so excited about it!" Pinkie said while jumping up and down. "So Rarity really has no idea???" She asked. "Nope, not one bit, and it better stay that way, you hear?" I asked as I glared at her. "It's killing meeeeeeeeeee" Pinkie said. "But I understand it is super important so I'll keep quiet." Pinkie said as she zipped her lips shut. I couldn't wait to give Rarity her amethyst pear shaped engagement ring tonight. 

Rarity's POV

It was about 7 o'clock when we had gotten to the little shop. There were streamers everywhere, balloons in ever corner, and a giant banner that said "Congrats Grads!" on it. We went to go sit in our favorite booth, it was large enough to sit all six of us. Mrs. and Mr. Cake had brought us some water and Twilight got up to give her speech she had prepared. "Hello everypony!" She said, tinking her water glass to get everyone's attention. Everyone fell silent. "Thank you, I just wanted to say as our valedictorian, how much I have appreciated and loved going to High School with you guys. As you all know I was taught by Princess Celestia and Princess Luna before the age of 14, before my quest for friendship. It was quite a quest, might I add. I couldn't have done it without my 5 best friends, obviously" everyone laughed, including Twilight. "There are two friends who I would like to thank especially. Applejack and Rarity! Come on up here real quick." Applejack looked more nervous than I have ever seen her as we got up to stand with Twilight. "These two, were great friends for a long time, and with that friendship developed a love for one another. A love I have yet to see anywhere else. It has taught me so many things about friendship and others. I think Applejack has a couple of things she would like to say about their friendship." Twilight concluded. I couldn't imagine Applejack public speaking about our friendship and relationship, but okay I guess. Applejack took the microphone and began speaking. "Hello everypony, I would just like to say that I think Rarity and I have provided an excellent example of friendship and a relationship for Twilight to study." AJ laughed and so did everyone else, myself included. "I know it sounds weird, but you all know how Twilight is. But right now, I want to talk to my bestest friend in the whole wide world." Applejack took my hand and faced me. "Rarity, I love you so much." The crowd awed and I placed a hand over my chest and awed as well. "I love you too." I said. "I love you so much that," Applejack got down on one knee and everyone went silent. I couldn't believe it! Could this be! "I want you to be my wife. I have loved you for 4 years now, and I couldn't have imagined my life to be any other way. You are my best friend Rare, we have made it through thick and thin, you've always been my rock even when things got bad. You are everything I want and need. I love you Rare, will you marry me?" Applejack asked. I began crying and sobbed the answer. "YES!" Everyone in Sugarcube Corner went wild and AJ and I hugged and kissed after she slid that gorgeous ring on my finger. Applejack began crying as well. "You really are the beauty to my beast." She said. 

A few years later, and we got married. It was a beautiful ceremony, massive of course. I designed everyones outfits because there was no way I wasn't going to. Granny looked absolutely beautiful in her dress. A few years after that we figured out how we wanted to have kids, and decided two would be good.  We both decided that we wanted to carry at least one child of ours, so after picking donors, at different times of course. We each carried a child. I bore the first one, being a little girl. We named her Radiance. She is so bright and loves designing like me, but has her own apple twists to it. A few years after Radiance, AJ carried the second child. We then had a son who we named Apple Crumble. He is so sweet and funny. He loves helping Applejack on the farm. I did open a shop in Canterlot, Radiance now runs it. She comes home to visit about once a month. Apple Crumble stayed home to help on the farm. He has a special lady in his life, he plans on proposing soon. Applejack and I have just enjoyed our lives up to this point, hoping to see grandchildren one day soon, and will retire and enjoy our simple lives in ponyville, watching the sunset on one of the hills of this beautiful apple orchard. 

***** Thank you to everyone who read my story!*****
It is roughly based on my relationship with my boyfriend. We have been dating for almost 5 years now, and we both enjoyed the show. I am Rarity while he is Applejack. Those are our favorite characters. Most of the details are details that happened in our real lives, some have been altered for the pony effect. The last scene I described in the story was actually based off a drawing I did for our art class back in highschool, I drew a male version of AJ and Rarity sitting on a hill in Sweet Apple Acres, watching the sunset. Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoyed!

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