The Beginning of a New?

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"SHE IS KISSING ME!!!!!" Is all I could think to myself. Rarity, RARITY, is kissing me! This is the best moment of my entire life. After a few more moments, Rarity pulled away. I could tell she was breathless and pink in the cheeks. I tried to make words come out but it just sort of came out as "Ab ab ah oo ya". Rarity blushed harder and spoke. "I hope that was okay, I realized I didn't give much warning or ask you first." "N-no, it's more than okay" I managed to choke out. Rarity giggled and the car fell silent. "Why did you kiss me...?" I asked very nervously. Rarity paused once again and bit her lip. "Well darling. I kissed you because I know you like me... and I like you." My eyes got big. "How'd you know that?" I asked. "The other night when you were sleeping, well you know you talk in your sleep." I nodded in agreement because I really do talk in my sleep. "You told me you love me and puckered your lips." I was never more embarrassed in my entire lifetime than I was in this moment. "I did what now????" I asked, knowing my face was completely red. "Yes dear, you confessed your love for me in your sleep." Rarity said. I could not believe what I was hearing. Why did my dumb big mouth have to go and rat on me like that? "Why didn't you just tell me you have feelings for me?" Rarity asked. I thought for a moment on how I wanted to say this. "I was afraid honestly" I began, "I was afraid you would think of me as a freak, and wouldn't want to be my friend anymore..." Tears welled up in my eyes. "Applejack, if you truly thought that then you don't know me at all, tell me the truth." Rarity said. "You know I'm not one for lyin'" I said, "I was afraid you would reject me, that you didn't have feelings for me as well." I confessed. "That's a better answer." Rarity replied. "I do have feelings for you Applejack. You're my best friend, and I have been feeling this way for quite some time now." "Really now? How long you think you've been feelin' this way?" I asked, hoping it was about the same amount of time that I've been feeling this way about her. "Shortly after we met, maybe about the time Sophomore year rolled around" She said. "Oh thank goodness" I said. Rarity laughed and held her hand to her chest. "Why are you so relieved about that?" She asked. "Well I was afraid that I was in love with you for much longer than you were with me" I laughed.  "I've pretty much been in love with you from the moment I laid eyes on you sugarcube." I said in a more serious but soft tone. Rarity's expression also got more serious and soft. "Really?" She asked. "What made you fall for me so quickly?" It wasn't hard to remember why, I thought about the day we met all the time. "It was your glossy lips, and your personality. Those got me initially, but really, there was just something about you. Beautiful, smart, funny, the way you looked at me, the way you thought about the world. It was like nothin' I'd ever seen before. You had this creativity that was inspiring, this generosity that is captivating, and this strong, intense beauty that came from within. You just took my breath away, and you still do every day." I said. Rarity looked like her jaw was about to touch the floor of her car. "You really think those things about me?" She asked in just a whisper. "Of course I do sugarcube." I said as I leaned in. "I have always thought that about you, and I always will." I finished leaning in and kissed her softly and passionately. 

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