Lunch Date

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    "Wow!! How crazy is this!" Exclaimed Rarity, "We're about to be seniors in high school!!!" She began

jumping up and down. "Calm down there sugarcube, We still have a week until school starts", and I

honestly wasn't looking forward to it either.  Rarity hugged me when she saw I wasn't too happy

about school starting up again "Don't worry about it darling, everything will be okay." Sweet Celestia,

 she gets more beautiful every single day. I never asked her if she likes girls or not. I want her to like

me, or even better, love me. I told her I know and when we let go, her hand slipped into mine. I froze. I

 couldn't move at all. "Um Rare, watcha doin' there?" She was frozen too, she looked down at her 

hand and then back at me. "Um..." She got that look on her face like she was about to lie her cute butt

 off. "Well, you see darling, I was starting to feel scared about senior year, and I wanted comfort so I 

guess I grabbed your hand hoping for comfort." Wow, did she really just lie about why she grabbed 

my hand? She let go of my hand and apologized. I looked at her slightly blushing embarrassed face.

 "Hey now, It's alright sugarcube, I'm not mad or anything, you're my best friend. It's okay if you want

 to hold my hand." Rarity just looked up at me and smiled, "Thank you Applejack, that's very sweet."

 We sat there watching the sun set for a while before she decided she should go home. "Well, I should

 be getting home, It's late, I'll see you tomorrow AJ. I love you darling." The way she looked at me

 when she said that, it wasn't the usual cute friendship look she usually gave me. There was a twinkle

 in her eye that said she meant more than a friendly I love you. I took her hand and kissed the back of

 it. "I love you too, Rarity." Rarity just giggled and called me silly. Well darn. I thought she meant more.

 I watched her get into her car and drive away, I waved when she got to the bottom of the drive way. I

 saw her wave back. I walked into the house and went straight to bed with out talking to anyone, even

 Granny Smith. I got ready for bed and flopped down under the covers before I cried myself to sleep. 

Rarity's POV  

      "I love you darling", I kept replaying that moment over and over again on my way home. I truly

 meant it. I love Applejack, but sadly I don't think she loves me the same way...but then again, the way

 she looked at me tonight seemed like she meant it the same way I did. I've loved her from the

 moment I laid eyes on her freshman year. I never in a million years expected her to feel the same

 about me. I just don't want to ruin our amazing friendship. I reached my boutique and climbed the

 stairs to bed. I put my curls up in a pony tail, and put on my silky night gown. I grabbed some tissues

 and began to cry. Maybe I should just tell her how i feel tomorrow. i started to cry harder "Oh she'll

 think I'm a freak if i tell her and she rejects me!!!!" I blew my nose and cried myself to sleep, debating

 on whether or not to come clean about my true feelings. 


     I woke up the next morning with dried tears all down my cheeks. "Ugh" I said aloud. I looked at my

 clock and saw it was 9:30. I was meeting Rarity for lunch at noon. I got up stretched decided to grab a

 shower. The hot water on my skin felt wonderful. I stood there for what felt like only a few minutes, 

but before I knew it all the hot water had run out. I got out and got dressed. I glanced at the clock to

 see that it was already 11. i had just enough time to dry my hair and head on out to meet Rarity. We

 were going to our favorite cake shop in sugarcube corner. Mrs. and Mr. Cake have known us since we

 were little girls, so it's a very homey place for us and our other friends. I finish drying my hair and 

putting it up in its usual pony tail. I kiss granny good bye and grab my keys. The drive to sugarcube

 corner is about half an hour. I turn on the radio and my favorite song comes on. I sing along with it; 

"She thinks my tractor is sexy!". Ha I'm so silly for liking this song. A few more songs come on the 

radio and in no time I'm there. Rarity was just getting out of her car when I pulled into the parking 

spot next to her. "Howdy sugarcube!" I greet Rarity. "Hello darling" Rarity replies with a huge smile.

 She takes my hand and pulls me inside. I'm thankful for her dragging me because I couldn't help but

 blush really hard.  I shook off the blushy feeling when we got to our booth. Pinkie Pie comes over to

 take our order. "Hey guys!! How are you? Ready for our senior year to start?" Pinkie asked excitedly.

 Rarity looked up at Pinkie, "Why yes, I am, but I'm not sure Applejack is", she teased. I sat back in my 

chair and crossed my arms. Rarity stuck her tongue out at me. "Now Rarity, I never said I wasn't 

excited, I just don't want it to come, because as soon as it's here it will be gone." Pinkie gave me a

 look like she was agreeing that I was right. I am right, and I'm just not ready. Rarity shrugged and told

 Pinkie that she would have a strawberry milk shake. I ordered the apple cream pie shake and Pinkie

 bounced away just as happy as can be. After Rarity and I finished our shakes, she told me she needed

 to finish a big order of dresses she had and that she would be over by 7 for our sleep over. We hugged

 good bye and just before I left Pinkie grabbed my arm. "Hey AJ, Do you love Rarity?" I looked at her

 with shock and embarrassment. " Pinkie don't be f-foolish', I answered back nervously. 

"Come on AJ, my Pinkie sense is telling me otherwise, and I know you do, I can tell by the way you

 look at her. I'm surprised Rarity doesn't know." "Well I'm glad she doesn't know, I don't want to ruin

 our friendship over something like this", and with that I left the bakery. 

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