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"There you are! I've been waiting for you!"

She rolled her eyes as she approaches her best friend who has been waiting for just five minutes, Calvince Lee or simply Vince.

"Whatever, come on! Let's go before we miss the bus, I'm not in the mood to walk." she said.

"You should've thought about that before anything else."

She rolled her eyes in her best friend's statement as the two run towards the bus station to ride one, fortunately the two was able to catch with the bus they need to catch up to get to their university in time. Even if their started with a minor annoyance because of the one being late, the two still enjoyed each other's company and started to tell stories to each other, like the usual them.

After few minutes, they arrived at their school in time. The two weren't classmates, as Calli is an architect student while Vince is a civil engineer student but both are seniors who are anticipated to graduate after two more semesters, their buildings are just besides each other and in their schedule, they almost have the same one even if the two weren't in the same course. But today's schedule, Calli is the first one to be dismissed and have to wait for Vince in an hour or so but fortunately for her, Vince's last period professor was absent so they were dismissed earlier than before. The two decided to stroll to the city where they eat a lot, drink a lot, and saw a lot of familiar sceneries that they never got bored to watch, finally settling in one café they often go.

"Calli!" Vince called as the two where ordering food for them.

"What?" Calli asked, Vince pointed at a female who was passing by the café, it was his crush.

"Isn't that Yvonne?" he asked excitedly, as he desperately looks at her in all possible angles.

Calli sighed before answering. "Yes...so?"

"What is she doing there?" Vince asked.

"Are you seriously asking me that, Vince?"

"I'm talking to myself." he said as he rolled her eyes to her and landed his attention again to his crush.

"You're crazy." she rolled her eyes to him.

"Yes, I'm crazy...for her."

Calli scoffed in disbelief as she rolled her eyes. After they order, they went to find a table for them. Calli wanted to hear more about the story Vince was telling her awhile ago but stop when he saw his crush. Now, Vince is doing his best to get a view of his crush that is just across the road, also doing his best to not get noticed. And there it was again, the hurting inside of her chest, a certain something that just merged from nowhere that is now creating a heavy burden inside of her. She doesn't know why and she doesn't like it, she really hated this feeling, the feeling when she saw her best friend talking to other girls and when his attention is only to his crush, just like the situation now. But of course, she tried her best to hide it when he's with her and conceal everything with a smile, trying to make her best friend believe that she's okay, but in reality, she's hurting and she doesn't know why. She knows nothing about what she is feeling right now, like seriously nothing. Absolutely clueless as she is.

She just sighed again and takes a sip of her iced tea she ordered and just got to her phone, in case something interesting can caught her attention at the moment. She was busy scrolling down her SNS when Vince suddenly took her phone from her.

"Yah!!" she hissed.

"I said no using phone when you're with me, in an exemption of an emergency." he said.

She rolled her eyes. "Come on! I'm with you all day long, I have enough of your ugly face and it's not like—"

She cut off when Vince brought his hand to her lips to shut her up and brought his face closer to her. Too close, as in and the only thing that separates their lips is his hand that's covering her mouth. Her heart beat become faster than ever and she could feel blood running to her cheeks making her experience the burning sensation of her cheeks. She could feel that she's red right now, but then thought, how did she know?

"Keep it down! Look!" he whispered, she looks on where he is looking at awhile ago.

That made her heart drop. For the nth time, she fell for his tricks again. She should have known that he only did it just because it was because of his crush. His crush was passing by wherein she was sure she saw them both together, Vince used that chance to make her jealous. Yes, jealous, he has a feeling that his crush also has a crush on him that's why he do things that can make one jealous, one great example is now, when he leaned closer to her. And unknowingly, made a fool out of her.

When his crush wasn't in two's view, Vince pulled back away from her as he removed his hand away from her lips.

"Did you see that?" he asked nonchalantly.

Ignoring her broken heart, she nodded. "Yep, it was Yvonne, right?"

"Not that! Her eyes!" he said as he emphasized it. "Didn't you see the jealousy in her eyes?"

Truth be told, she didn't because of heart dropped. But then again, she needs to play along. "Yes, I did."

Vince smiled at her brightly. "Then that means she also has feelings towards me, right?"

She shrugged. "Why don't you just ask her out? Instead of using me to make her jealous?"

"Why? Do you fall in my ways?" he smirked.

"Yes, you idiot!"

As much as she wants to answer it truthfully, she can't and she doesn't know why. That's why she just looked at him blankly. "I'm talking about my reputation, Vince. Think about it, many knows that we are best friends, if everyone see what you are doing just to make Yvonne jealous, without them knowing that you like her, they'll put malice in our rela—friendship and if you decide to pursue her, sometime after that, what do you think my stand will be?"

"I'm just kidding! I figured out that much, so yeah, I really planned to confess to her soon." the answer really broke her heart but again, conceal all those with a smile. "But I don't have a plan...so, can you please help me?"

First, she felt her heart drop but now, she felt that her soul left her. She was frozen in her seat and she doesn't know why.

"W-why would I-I?" she manage to asked.

"You're my best friend! And you're basically a girl, so you know exactly what a girl likes." he said wherein she tried her best to give him a judgment look. "Come on! Calli, I really need your help, you're the only one who can help me, so please..."

He then begged. She closed her eyes, and as she did, one phrase rang on her ears.

"Your happiness can't guarantee their happiness but their happiness can guarantee yours."

Then images of her best friend came out, in her mind, showing her his eyes, smiles and his adorable laugh that she can't help but to laugh every time she heard it. The next set of images that was shown to her by her mind was the times he was with her and the times he was talking and looking at the girl he likes. There was a big difference between the two, she could tell or everyone can, the most obvious one is his eyes, his eyes when he looks at the girl he like, it was sparkling and bright unlike when he looks at her, it was just normal. He'll definitely be happy to her company than her, so it's obvious then. It broke her heart, literally but then again, she doesn't know why but one thing is sure to her, she'll make him happy.

"Okay, I'll help you."

He then hugged her tightly, saying he's gratitude and thanks to her, while she just pretended to be okay, but seriously, she was breaking.

"You can do it! You're the great pretender, right? So this task is no sweat, at all. Fighting, Callista Ymir Son!"


[ ~ JaeJiLei ]

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