you really look happy when I see you, it's sad

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There stood itachi in shocked, his onxy black eyes wide in shock his mouth hung open.

No it couldn't be true, it has to be a lie right?

" Hey itachi, you alright? "

He couldn't believe what he just heard, his Best friend his love is getting married, and he wanted him to be the best man.

" Itachi?, hello "

Itachi snapped out of his shocked and picked up the phone, that he dropped while in shock.

" Sorry about that I'm just a little shocked that's all, I'd love to be your best man "

" Really I was worried there for a minute, I'm happy oh I got to go, my fiancee calling me "

" No problem I'll see you later "

He hung up the phone, he felt as a huge weight just landed on him. The man he loves is getting married.

Mikoto walked into the room and saw itachi looking at his phone, with such emotionless eyes, they screamed for someone to come and comfort him.

" Itachi? "

She walked over to him and he looks at her.

" Yes mom? "

" Is there something wrong? "

" No nothing, it just shisui just called me saying he's getting married "

" Oh really I'm so glad! "

" Uh yeah he wants me to be his best man, and you know I couldn't say no to him "

" Oh I'm so glad, wait until I tell your father and Sasuke "

" Yeah "

He put on a fake smile, and smiled at his mother, he didn't have the guts to tell her, he can't. How is he going to tell her?, She won't except him right? No of course she loves him, but what he's hiding she'll easily disown him.

" What's all the noise about? "

Mikoto and itachi turn around, to see fugaku and sasuke coming into the living room. Sasuke in his school uniform, he was in his third year of high school. And his father wore his police uniform, he got home earlier and decided to pickup sasuke on the way home.

" You're never going to believe this, shisui going to get married! "

" That idiot was able to tie the knot with someone, poor girl "

" Sasuke be nice, well that's great news "

" Yes and he asked itachi to be his best man "

" Yeah you know I couldn't refuse "

He let's out a nervous laugh, Mikoto was happy for shisui after all she saw him as a son. But fugaku noticed something was different in itachi's attitude and body language, he frown and squinted his eyes at him.

" Oh this calls for a celebration, I'll make dinner and invite shisui and his fiance over "

" That sounds great mom "

" Yes itachi can I speak with you for a minute? "

" Sure dad "

" Sasuke help me out in the kitchen "

" Alright "

Sasuke and Mikoto walked out of the living room, leaving fugaku and itachi alone.

" So are you going to keep lying or are you going to tell me what's bothering you? "

" What do you mean? "

" I saw the way you were acting and your body language, you were lying. So tell me what's bothering you? "

" Nothing bothering me dad, I'm fine "

" Do you take me for a fool! "

He grabbed itachi by the collar of his shirt and pulled him close to him, and had an angry look on his face, itachi eyes widen.

" No "

He looked away from his father knowing he wouldn't be able to lie to him.

" Then what's bothering you? "

" If I tell you you'll hate me "

He let go of itachi's collar and put a hand on itachi's left shoulder, and looked at him.

" Itachi your my son,  nothing will ever change that. So tell me what's bothering you "

Fugaku told him in a surprising soft tone, it made itachi chest tighten and almost burst into tears.

" I-i'm in love with shisui "

He excepted his father to look at him in disgust and anger, but instead saw him give him a look of pride and respect. And that alone made him bust into tears, fugaku brought him into a embrace and itachi hugged him back. And as he cried into his father shirt, he felt his embrace tighten.

When he finally calmed down he pulled away from his father.

" I'm sorry to make such a scene "

" Nonsense itachi, but I want you to know this, straight or not. Your my son I love you, with all my heart so don't just assume we're going to reject you "

Itachi's eyes widen in shock, never had his father told him he loved him.

" I'm proud of you for owning up to it "

" Thanks Dad "

He was happy his father excepted him, but still heart broken because the one he loved, loved another.

sin from my lips? O trespass sweetly urg'd! Give me my sin again.

~ Romeo and Juliet act 1 scene 5

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