01. Sebastian Gray

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 Sebastian Gray was a beautiful being.

At least everyone thought he was.

His face was flawlessly sculpted, like some painting having come to life. His eyes were full of wonder, constantly begging to know more about the mysteries that plagued his world. And his body, that was a whole conversation in itself.  

Sebastian had a perfect body, like a Greek Statue shaped by the finest sculptor. He was the type of person that made all types of people swoon, no matter the age nor gender. It was basically a gift, or a curse if you were Sebastian. 

People were literally following him everywhere he went, wishing, hoping, to befriend this man. They saw him for who they thought he was, a perfect being. That was all Sebastian was, in their eyes, nothing less. He was more popular, smarter, and more good-looking than anyone else. 

However, they were all horribly wrong. This was the sad reality about society. They only saw people, judged them based on appearance alone. They didn't bother to scratch through the skin, dig deep into bones, and take a peek inside his soul.

That was where he truly was beautiful. That was what made him who he was; Sebastian Gray. It wasn't his perfect appearances, the fake smiles he wore in front of others, or the mask he constantly had to put on to make sure he fit in their expectations of him.

No. He was much more than that. He was not perfect, never would be, never was. He was imperfect in all aspects.

Sebastian's face was a canvas for purple and blue splotches, painted on in an abstract fashion. Covered up daily to create the flawless, smooth pale skin that people loved. His eyes were dull and lifeless, the stars burnt out by the time he was a junior in high school. And his body was littered in scars, some from natural incidents like falling off a bike, others from monsters who pretended to be lovers.

Sebastian's mind was the worst of it all. It held the pain of a thousand wounded soldiers, the knowledge of the smartest professors, and battles he had to constantly fight. As the days went by, it seemed to him that he was losing the war. 

Yet, to himself, he was perfectly imperfect, as cliche as that was. He wasn't fake, yes he smiled and switched masks daily, but that was in front of others, you had to be fake or you wouldn't survive. 

When he was alone, though, he was just himself. Sebastian would cry, scream, and laugh. He would let his emotions break free, let them float about his room before opening the window to unleash them into the horrible world.

But, no one really cared who you were, they cared about how you look and act. How much money you have, your status in society, how perfect you seemed. Those who weren't perfect, seemingly so, were banished into the outcasts of society where the have-nots lived. And those who were perfect, got to climb the ladder to the top of the world, pulling down those who were higher than them in order to claim their spot.

This is our ugly society, yet it holds wonders only some of us can see. People like Sebastian Gray are some of those wonders, holding so much beauty in them that it turns ugly. 

But it was all thanks to this world that Sebastian was messed up. Messed up in a wonderful way, if that was possible. 

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