Herstory of the Hymen Hysteria

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The hymen; everyone knows about it, but don't actually know it. There is much misinformation about it, even among older educated women. Whenever I bring up the traditional "cire angurya" procedure, the hymenectomy rampant in Northern Nigeria, it is apparent that women know little about the hymen. Which is why we should know more about and hope it will lead to halting harmful and humiliating practices traumatizing women.

In my pre-teens I remember the warnings that young girls should avoid vigorous sports. Horse riding and bike rides were mentioned more often. I loved my sports, tree climbing, and biking, so I thought the concern had to do with being lady-like. It turned out the main reason was about keeping the hymen intact. This tissue is the symbol of purity, the ultimate proof of a woman's virginity, and a valuable asset in marriage. It reflects a woman's good home training, moral character, and her virtue. It is also a source of distress and delusion.

Myths about the hymen is why some advocacy groups recommend renaming it as "vaginal corona". But let's demystify the word hymen from a woman's point of view; herstory. The hymen is a layer of tissue at the vaginal opening, remnant from embryological development. It is not a standard covering that all women have. It has different forms. For eons, it's been used as an indicator of virginity, but here are some quick facts. A woman does NOT have to bleed during her first time. A two-finger physical examination for laxity CANNOT determine virginity. The hymen VARIES in women, some are thin, some thick, some have more elasticity than others, some have tiny holes, and some women have NONE. The hymen does not cover the entire opening, except when it is an imperforate hymen. At birth, the hymen is sometimes prominent, because of hormones from the mother that make the genital area swell. Eventually the swelling goes down and sometimes the hymen stretches and wears out on its own.

The first time I heard about "virginity test" was in my late teens. One of the two tests widely known is the physical examination before a woman is married. The other is common in Northern Nigeria, which is a white linen test after marriage festivities. The test is done by placing a white cloth on a newlywed's bed, and after consummation, it is inspected for blood (expected from the ruptured hymen). Arewa-wise, elderly women wait outside the matrimonial room to collect the sheet. If blood is visible, the sheet is presented to elders. And to show their appreciation, the inlaw's gift the bashful bride with gold jewelry, a car, or anything well deserved.

The northeastern region seem to enforce the linen test more than other parts of Arewa. The bride's family usually beam with pride that their daughter was untouched. So, the first thing I asked when I heard about such tests was, "What about the groom?" Is there any equivalent test to determine a man's virginity? Doesn't he want a cute gift? Does anyone care if he's a virgin? If not, why is it important that she is a virgin, and not him? Shouldn't virtue be for both husband and wife for a harmonious matrimonial union?

Cultures all over the world have versions of virginity checks, and it has been so for ages. In the book of Deuteronomy, a man slandered his wife and then her father brought forth the stained cloth as proof of his daughter's chastity. Although not as common as it used to be, virginity checks are still carried out. In some countries, even a virginity certificate is issued, which IS easier and less dramatic than archiving a stained piece of cloth.

In certain countries, young ladies are examined regularly at hospitals or by family members. It is believed that if the ladies have routine checks, they are less likely to engage in risky behavior that will "dishonor the family". There are also families who demand vaginal examination to confirm virginity before initiating marriage proposals. Usually, stories like these are heard from African and Asian cultures, but such checks exist in Europe too.

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