Chapter 9

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Yay! I updated s**ner this time!

Food for thought, I'm kinda liking making these fandrawings. Do you guys like them? Or do they take away from the story? Comment your thoughts on this, it would be greatly appreciated.

Also, I was listening to this song on repeat while I was writing this, so I attached it above. Listen at your leisure.

(I've also noticed that I talk way too much in these intros, does it bother you guys at all? Let me know.)

On with the story!


Mitch's POV

I was woken up by the sound of footsteps and wet grass. My eyes fluttered open and I rubbed them, very mad at the thing that woke me up. I snapped my head around to see a glimpse of whoever it was.

It was running towards the side of the school.

I followed it to the side of the building, then hesitated when I saw a rope leading into an open window. I stared up at the window handle. Whoever tied that rope must've taken a really long time getting it up there.

My gaze drifted down to the rope. I looked at it, clenched my teeth, balled my fists, and started walking towards it. Not knowing what I was doing, but knowing that I wanted to find out what was happening in there, I grabbed the rope with both hands, and pulled myself up.

I landed in the cafeteria, and thankfully didn't make much noise doing so. I walked out into the hallway, and peered into the classroom doors as I passed them.

No one seemed to be in the building, but then I noticed the faint glow of a flashlight, maybe two, coming from the open door of room 617. I gingerly walked over to the entrance and stopped in front of the door to see who was inside.

It was him.


There he was, a flashlight in one hand, the other searching around the back corner. My corner.

I pushed the door open slightly, making it squeak a little. I walked further into the room, but then something happened that I never really considered a problem until now.

One of my contacts came out.

I quickly ducked behind the teachers desk as I  frantically struggled to put it back in. I could hear his footsteps coming closer. I was running out of time.

My prayers were answered as I calmed down and put my contact back in my eye. They turned red for a breif second, and then I returned to normal. I knew the drill by now.

I didn't breathe as I waited for his footsteps to go away. Once I saw that he was gone, I too left the classroom.

I started walking the opposite direction as him, until I suddenly felt my hand get lighter. I heard the sound of metal on the tile floor, but I was paralyzed with fear of being found out, so I just kept walking.

Until I realized what fell.

I made a promise to Kirstie years ago that I would never lose that ring. That ring was the one piece of our friendship, of her, that I had left.
And I turned around to see him with it in hand, inspecting it.

As much as I liked him so far, I wasn't about to let him take it, her, away from me. He already wanted her love, couldn't he leave my memory alone? All I was was a memory now to her, and I wasn't about to let that go away.

I clenched my fists and marched myself down the hallway towards him. At this point, I didn't care if I scared him away forever. As long as he didn't take her.

As I slowly began to approach him, he snapped his head around. I froze in my tracks. I looked into his eyes, and I didn't see greed, or anger.

I saw fear.

I almost broke down at the sight. I felt terrible for how I hated him. I got all overprotective of my friendship with Kirstie, and completely forgot what he had done for her. If it was really her I cared about, I wouldn't be feeling this right now.

I started piecing it together. He came here and looked in my spot, picked up my ring, not because he cared about me, but because Kirstie cared about me. How could he care about me anyways?

I stepped forward, and he bolted down the hall. I reached out my arm slightly, not wanting him to leave. A tear sprung from my eye as he did, and I wiped it away with the sleeve of my hoodie. I was left there, in the hallway, alone, with my own horrible thoughts and actions.

And I was left with the one sight I never wanted to see.

Someone I truly cared about, running from me.

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