Chapter 7

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Scott's POV

I wake up the next morning feeling miserable. I was still very sleepy, and somehow the sun always seems to be brighter when you're tired. Very haphazardly, I go through my morning routine, with the addition of putting in my new contacts, and head to school.

I have math is my first period today, and Mr. Madden hardly calls on me, so I take the time to come up with my plan for the night. How do I get back into the building after hours? I could possibly find a way to stay back until I'm sure everyone is gone, but then I wouldn't have any possibly necessary supplies with me. Even though, I could go back to my house at lunch and get some stuff...

"Mr. Hoying?" I pick my head up. Everyone including the teacher is staring at me. "Yes?" "Would you like me to repeat the question?" Oh crap. I'd hoped this wouldn't happen. I don't know anything! "Yes please, sir." "You have a right angle with 32 as the adjacent side, 57. 8° as the adjacent angle, and X as the hypotenuse. Please solve for X."

I went over all the information in my head and did some quick mental math. "So we would use properties of SohCahToa and perform the function cosine equals adjacent over hypotenuse. Plug in the corresponding numbers and X equals approximately 49."

Everyone looked at me with wide eyes. "That is... correct, Mr. Hoying. Thank you." At this point, everyone was still staring at me. I slunk back a little in my seat. Why can't the world swallow you up when you want it to? This was one of those times where you dodged a bullet, only for another one to hit you right in the face.


Peoples heads were now facing the front, but I could see some people still whispering to one another. I suddenly got very self-conscious, but I shook it off as I kept developing my plan. I could go back home at lunch, but then my mom would wonder what I was doing home so early. I figured that I would have to sneak back into school after hours. I can possibly open a window in the cafeteria at lunch and come back in when no one's here. Yeah, that seems like the best option.

I started thinking of other things I might need to pack when the bell rang. "All right students, good work today. Don't forget, your homework is to do page 274, numbers 12 through 37. You can go on to your next classes" I gather my things and head to my next class, intermediate choir. I always enjoy going, it's one of the few times of the week when I can see all of my friends. I walk down the hallway towards room 314, and a lot of people are staring at me. Oh no. This could be the end for me. I didn't think anyone else would find out about me this soon. I try to keep my head down and become unnoticeable, but I can't.

Damn you, tall German genes!

I am brought out of my pity party by someone grabbing me by the sleeve and pulling me towards the lockers. I start to get mad, but then I am met with the worried face of Kirstie. "Kirstie, what are you doing?" "I just wanted to make sure you were okay." I give her a weird look. Why would I not be fine? She puts her hands on her hips and starts to look impatient. "Well, are you?"

"Yeah I'm okay, it's just... why are you so worried?" "I'm worried for your health Scott, your right eye is purple." "WHAT?" "I'm serious, go look." I quickly run to the men's bathroom to look in the mirror.

Holy crap, my eye is purple.


Looking closely, you can see that my iris went from being blue to a light shade of lavender. I keep staring at it. What was happening to me? I have the weirdest case of pinkeye ever, I can't wake up in the morning, well, that's every day, but STILL!

Something is wrong with me, and not knowing what is freaks me out! I rush back out to Kirstie. "Do you believe me now?" "Yeah, no duh." I start panicking. How did I get this? My eye was fine this morning. "Do you think it's an eye disease? Are you feeling any pain?" "No, it doesn't hurt or anything." I started wondering. "But how long has it been like this?" "Ummm, since you came in this morning, I think. But it was a little less purple then. Do you think it's getting worse?"

Great! Just the news I needed to hear! Now I really started to freak out. My breathing picked up and became a little quicker than usual. Kirstie noticed and immediately took action. "It's OK Scott, it's not that bad. Just breathe with me. In, out. In, and out." I did as she said, and soon I calmed down. "Thanks."

I rested my head in my hands. "It's just that I'm not used to this. I'm used to being normal, and none of this is normal now." Kirstie gave me a half smile. "Well Scott, if this makes you feel better, technically, you never were normal." I chuckled slightly at her little joke. "Thanks Kirst, but I don't mean biologically, I mean like how people see me. I was nobody before. Now that people are finally noticing me, I want to crawl into a hole and rot there for the rest of my life."

Kirstie starts shaking my shoulders. "Scott! Snap out of it! You certainly aren't a nobody, and having a small eye infection doesn't make you that different from everyone else. okay?" I sighed heavily. "Okay." I waved off Kirstie and headed for choir. I was still getting weird looks though. I brushed it off and kept walking. Even at lunch, I was getting some more stares. I ducked my head and quickly walked over to Kirstie, lunch in hand. I sat down and tried to avoid any sort of eye contact with anyone else but Kirstie.


"Hi." She intently studied when I assumed to be my eye again. "Hey Scott, your eye is looking better." I immediately perked up. "It is?" "Yeah, go see for yourself." I ran to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. My right eye had returned to its normal shade of boring old blue.


As soon as I said it though, I was thankful that there was no one else in the bathroom at the time. I went back to the cafeteria and hugged Kirstie. "What are you doing?" "I'm just glad I can be considered somewhat normal again, that's all." She tried to pull free for my grasp, yet failed miserably. I didn't feel like letting go anytime soon. "Okay, Scott? I think breathing is a requirement at this school."

I finally release her. "Sorry." Then the lunch bell rings, and I sneakily open one of the windows on my way out. But as I turn back around to go to my next class, my eyes drifted to the corner of the cafeteria for a split second. And what I didn't know is that in that moment, my eye had flashed red.



I can finally put my math homework to some good use. What else can I say?

-MiraCurePTX 🍓

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