chapter 7 | a stupid drunken night

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I woke up the next morning around 10:03 on the couch in the living room of our hotel suite. My head feels like it's spinning and my body aches. Sadly, my memory from last night is surprisingly crystal clear even with this hangover. I scrolled through Instagram to see all the photos and videos of last night. I quickly see a trending video of Zoe on the balcony naked. Is it bad I'm kinda happy that this is happening to her? Negative thinking I know, but a negative stunt she pulled last night. I kept scrolling through Instagram.

"good morning" Billie said shyly.

She walked out of the bedroom with just a large t shirt and panties on. I looked up at her and gave her a half smile.

"morning billie" I said not making eye contact.

"I see" she said sitting down on the chair next to the couch.

"what the fuck do you mean?" I looked back at my phone and rolled my eyes.

"you're acting weird and you called me billie. which is rare. I understand, but it seemed as if you were quite warmed up to me last night."

"Are you kidding me right now?" I raised an eyebrow.

"You flirted with other people all night and then decided it was a good idea to go off with Zoe and fucked around. And yet you have the nerve to say something about me being weird with you? I'm soooooo sorry billie." I got up and went into the bedroom slamming the door shut.

I locked the door behind me. Billie got up from the chair and tried following me into the room.

"That's not what I mean Y/N. Please unlock the door" she said as she put her forehead against the door.

"why the hell should I?"

"Y/N we talked about it last night. I thought we were okay. especially since... you know..."

I flung open the door.

"We did talk about it. and yes what happened, happened. But that doesn't mean I'm not still hurt billie. Maybe I.." I paused

"Maybe you what?" Billie fired back.

"Maybe I just need sometime." I looked away.

Billie grabbed her phone and walked out of the hotel room. I didn't run after her. I just stood there. In shock. I can't believe I just said that. I'm not even sure if I meant it to be honest. I called Finneas.

"Hey Y/N. How are you doing today?" He answered almost right away

"Hey fin. I'm" I paused

"I'm not good fin." I said quietly as I plopped myself on a chair.

"I'm sure you're not. What all ended up happening? Last thing I saw was you dragging Hailey out of the penthouse last night."

"Well nothing happened between her and I. Just talked that's really it. If only billie could say the same with Zoe... they ended up hooking up and I walked in on it. As I ran off I ran into Hailey and that's when I dragged her to the hotel room. Billie walked in and let's just say I was still a little drunk and showed Billie too much forgiveness." I explained.

"Oh... uh.. I see. I must say I'm sorry billie did that to you. Is she awake now? Maybe talk things out now while you can." He suggested.

"You see she is awake, and we did talk it out" I said with tears starting to form

"And?" He dragged on.

"And we fought. And I blurted out I needed a break. And she ran off. And I don't even know if I need a break or what I need." I started crying.

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