You Will Be Made Useful- Part 7

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Harper POV

Everything that happened in the next few minutes was a blur. I remember having to drag Aiden away from Jesse, and him putting up a fight. Ivor actually almost landed a punch on Jesse's chip. We were currently trying to calm down in my house, formulating a plan of action. Lukas rubbed his temples, before snapping his eyes back up to me, and saying, "Wait! I don't remember much from when I was chipped, but I do remember the Mind-Control Headset. Maybe we could use that to force Jesse to destroy his chip." My eyes widened in shock. Why hadn't I thought of that? I quickly jumped up, and grabbed the headset. "Okay, when we go up there, we're gonna need all the muscle we can get to back whoever's gonna wear this thing." Aiden grabbed it, and put it on. "I'm willing to take this risk. That's my Jesse's life on the line out there!" Everyone else began to ready their weapons. I grabbed an iron sword that I had propped up by the door. "Alright everyone, it's go time. Remember, don't fall for any tricks. Move quick. But, most importantly, stay together." As we all slipped out of the house, I looked over at Aiden, and couldn't help but wonder how he would handle this. I almost didn't notice the several chipped mobs that were beginning to swarm us. I shouted out, "New plan! Everyone split! Don't stop running! It's harder for them to hit a moving target!" Then, we all ran in different directions. 

Aiden POV

After some running, I ended up in PAMA's core. This place was huge! As I looked around, I heard Jesse's thoughts transmitted to me through the headset.

Ugh, yesterday's was pretty bad. PAMA always finds a way to blame me for ANYTHING.

A/N: It took about two weeks for the group to reach Crown Mesa.

As quietly as I could, I slipped into the opening closest to Jesse. As I looked at him, I imagined him grabbing his chip, and tearing it out. Sure enough, he began to do exactly that. "Jesse, just what do you think you are doing?" Jesse looked upwards in shock, and dropped his hand from his chip. "I...don't know." I slipped into his mind with the headset, and made him go for his chip again. "You just never learn, do you?" PAMA asked. I looked up in horror as I saw robotic arms reach down from the ceiling, tasers attached. Before I could force Jesse to run, they stuck themselves to either one of his arms, and began to shock him. After a minute, I heard a loud pop, which was his chip exploding. Jesse slumped down to the ground, unconscious. I was so filled with rage, I was literally trembling. Throwing caution to the wind, I tossed off the Mind-Control Headset, and dashed towards the Redstone Heart. "Wait! I know you're hurting now, but I can fix that." PAMA desperately shouted. I was about to rip the Heart from off its pillar, but I stopped, and stared at PAMA's screen. "If you just become a part of me, I can make it so that you'll never have the need to feel pain ever again." I slowly nodded, before saying, "I'm liking what you're saying, giant robot. But, there's just one little problem." PAMA looked confused. "Whatever might that be?" I placed my hands around the Redstone Heart before growling, "You hurt my fiancé." I grabbed the Heart, and ripped it right off of the pillar. Instantly, everything shut down, and everyone who was chipped collapsed where they were standing. I hopped down, and dashed over to Jesse, who was slowly regaining consciousness. "Ugh...what  have I been doing?" he groggily asked. I felt a wide grin spread across my face, before grabbing him in a bear hug. He froze in shock, before hugging me back.

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