The hunt

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Jesse stood behind a wall, holding her gun tightly. She was waitng for him to come out so she could shoot him. "Jesse, come out and play-ay!" Aiden's voice taunted. Jesse's breath caught in her throat. He was a lot closer than she first thought. She thought she had lost Aiden in the chase around the maze, but no. Jesse gently began to sneak around a corner, trying not to make much noise. She gently began to climb the wall, so she could spot him as he came around the corner. Aiden chuckled evilly. "I know you're close by, Jesse. You think you can lose me that easily?" he asked. Suddenly, Jesse felt a hand tap her shoulder. She whirled around to see Isa. "I think, if we work together, we can eliminate him." she whispered as quietly as she could. Jesse nodded. "Do you have a plan?" Isa nodded confidently. "Yes. I'll call him. His cell phone will start ringing, then, I'll come out of hiding and distract him, while you shoot him." Jesse nodded, smiling this time. "I've been trying to come up with a way to take him out ever since this began. But, how will keep yourself out of danger?" Isa sighed. "I won't. I'm willing to sacrifice myself so you can take him out." Jesse's eyes went wide. "You can't be serious!" Isa looked her square in the eyes. "Do you want to take Aiden down or not?" "Well yes, but-" Isa cut Jesse off. "Well, let's get going then!" She quietly ran ahead of Jesse, then slid off the wall, and went into hiding behind a pile of boxes. Jesse could see Aiden coming close to Isa's hiding spot. Suddenly, his phone began to vibrate. He annoyedly sighed, then picked it up. Jesse could hear the entire short exchange. "What is it? I'm in the middle of something here!" Isa's gentle chuckling came from the other end. "You never should have challenged us." Then, a click was heard as Isa jumped out from her hiding spot. "Bring it on, punk!" she shouted at him. Aiden dashed at her. Jesse hopped down from the wall, gun in hand, tears streaming down her face. She already knew how this would end. Aiden pulled the trigger, and Isa slumped down against the wall. "NO! ISA!" Jesse roared. She lunged at Aiden, and pulled the trigger. A lazer came out, then hit him right in the middle of the harness. The lights came back on, and a cool female voice said, "Team Pig wins. Please returns your harnesses and lazer guns as you exit the arena." Isa stood up from where she "died", happily laughing. Maya, Gill, Lukas, Ivor and Petra came out from where they were eliminated, laughing about the results. "Did you hear the way you were screaming about Isa?" Petra asked. Jesse nodded as they all took off their harnesses, and began to exit. They put their gear in the return slot. "This does get pretty intense sometimes." Ivor pointed out. Aiden gently laughed. "I hear that." Jesse gently held his hand as they got in the back of Gill's truck. Maya and Lukas rode up front with him. Everyone else gor to kick it in the back. Aiden and Jesse gently joked around for the rest of the ride home. It was pretty late when they actually got home, so, when the truck pulled up to the two-story house they all shared, everyone found the both of them spooning in their sleep.

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