Heat Stroke

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I was crawling really fast around the temple to get to the kitchen. Aiden saw me and was like, "...what?" I looked at him. "I'm going for the last few donuts in the kitchen, but it's too hot to run. And another thing: HOW CAN YOU WEAR THAT JACKET, IT'S LIKE 90 DEGREES?!" Aiden seemed startled that I yelled. I continued to crawl to the kitchen. When I got there, I saw Soren mashing his face into a bowl of ice cream. I pulled myself up, and grumbled, "Genius." Soren pulled his face up long enough to say, "I just fell asleep while eating ice cream." I grabbed the donut box, layed down on top of the fridge, and began to eat. Ivor came in with a tank top and shorts on, and took one good look at Soren. "I can't take it, you're still wearing your armour?" Soren lifted his face up again. "I'm cold." That was when I lost it at him. "Cold? Cold? Did you really just..?" I gave up trying to understand him, and just threw the now empty donut box at him. Ivor finally saw me, then climbed up. "Scoot over." he grunted at me. He barely made any room, so he essentially pushed me off the fridge. I was pissed. That hurt. I stood up, and gave Ivor an evil look that he would be seeing in his nightmares for a month. He slid up against the wall.
~~~5 minutes later~~~
I walked away from the fridge with a sens of accomplishment. My phone began to vibrate as I made my way over to the bathroom.
Ivory: Let me out
Ivory: Please
Ivory: Its cold in here
Ivory: Please
Ivory: Please
I sighed. Magnus had messed with the names in the group chat again. I jumped into the bathtub, and turned on the extra cold water. I just laid face down in the tub, until Ellegaard came in, picked me up, and set me down outisde the tub just so she could lay in it. I gave her another evil look. "Are you serious right now?" I asked. She just grunted at me. She was asleep, so I turned on the extra hot water, taped her down, grabbed my phone, closed the door, locked it behind me, and waited. I was recording this whole thing, btw. I heard Ellegaard screaming a moment later. That was when I utterly lost it, and laughed so loud and hard, when Lukas came in the hallway where I was, he took one look at me, and slowly backed away.  Ellegaard must have gotten free, because she was pounding on the door in rhythm. I started singing to her pounds: "We will, we will, rock you!" I sighed, and went to Lukas's room becuase his was normally the coolest. I faceplanted on his bed, then he pushed me off. I noticed he was playing Xbox, so I "accidentally" tripped over his power cord on the way out. I slammed the door behind me, and locked it. I went over to the kitchen, and laid down on the tiles. They were cool. After a couple minutes, Magnus came in, and stepped on my ribcage. I yelped out loud. Magnus just looked at me, and said, "Walk it off." I stood up, and as I walked past him, I said, "Stop calling yourself hot, the only thing you can turn on is a microwave." Magnus began to chase me. He pinned me against the wall with his arm, and hissed, "Take. That. Back." I was scared, so I began to cry. Now, this is how learned my boyfriend has supersonic hearing: He was in the other room, and I was crying quietly, when he dashed in, and said, "Alright, who thought it was a good idea to make my Jesse cry?" Magnus looked at Aiden, and suddenly realized: he screwed up. Aiden stared at Magnus with the intent to kill. As I walked past, Aiden held out his book, and said, "Hold my Harry Potter." I grabbed the book. "You got this babe! I'll hold your Harry Potter!" I walked away, and laughed. I walked into Gabriel's room. He wasn't there. I sat down in front of his fan, and turned it on. I sighed happily. The breeze felt so good. Suddenly, I heard Gabriel clear his throat. He was staring at me. "Get out of my room," he said, bluntly. I sighed, stood up, and got out. I wen to my room, with a fan, only to see Soren was using it. "Um, Soren, that's my fan." He turned, and literally hissed at me. I backed away slowly. A was forced to be in the hottest area of the temple, because everyone was using up the cold areas. I was pacing around when suddenly, I began to twitch a lot. I tried to stop, but I couldn't. Then, I fell. It stopped after that, but I didn't know how it happened. Soren happened to be walking by, and looked confused. Then, he shrugged, amd walked back into my room. I was walking around, when I bumped into Aiden. "Hey babe. Are you okay? Your skin is red!" I looked down at my arms, and saw he was right. As I was starung at my arms, my head began to throb. My hands flew up to it. "Are you sure you're okay? What's wrong?" he asked. "I-I'm fine, it's just a headache." Aiden still seemed concerned. "Okay, just let me know if it gets worse." I gently chuckled. "Stop worrying, I'm-" Suddenly, my stomach begam to turn. I dashed to the bathroom, pushed Ellegaard out of the way, and threw up in the toilet. When I was done, my heart began to pound, really hard and fast. "Oh, I...doesn't....fell so good." I said. I got up, and stumbled my way out of the bathroom. Soren came out of my bedroom to see me staggering through the hallway. "Listen, Jesse, you are not okay. You need medical help." I stared at him, then began to laugh. "JeWIsH? I....IsN'T JEwIsH!" I said. Aiden and everyone else came swarming around me. "HeY...ISn'T a FReAk SHoW. No NeEd tO CRoWD!" I said. My speech was getting all chunky, and I didn't know why. I began to cry., I staggered over to Aiden. "PlEAsE...HElP" I whispered as I collapsed into his arms, and blacked out.

I was gently waking up in Aiden's room. There was a really loud ringing in my ears. I could hardly hear what everyone was saying. "So what you mean to tell me is, you all hogged the cold spots in the temple, essentially forcing her into this?!" Aiden shouted.  "And, you also spotted a symptom of heat stroke, and didn't do anything?" Everyone was gently crying. "We didn't know! We thought the heat was making her cranky!" Lukas said. I fully woke up, and reached towards Aiden. He turned around, and hugged me tightly, tears gently streaming down his face. Everyone else was crying. "Jesse, we're so sorry! We didn't know, otherwise we would have done something!" Soren sobbed. I gently smiled. "Guys, it's okay. Also, I'm sorry for the things I did to you." Everyone tearily smiled. Suddenly, Letra, Axel, and Olivia burst into the room. "We came as soon as we heard. Is she okay?" Petra breathlessly asked. Aiden looked at them, and said, "Yeah, she's fine. Just...count yourselves lukcy that you didn't have to see her pass out." I nodded. "And the seizure." Aiden looked confused. "What seizure?" he asked me. I nodded towrds Soren. "Ask him." Aiden glared at Soren. I gently began to pet him. "Hey, he did try to help. He told me that I needed medical help." Aiden looked relieved. I smiled. "You can go, if you want, I'll be fine." Everyone but Aiden left me in the room. He gently yawned, and got on the bed with me. He wrapped his arms around me, and pulled me closer to him. I gently blushed, and kissed him on the lips before nodding off to sleep.

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