Sleepover Pranks

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Jesse POV
Lukas, Maya, Gill, Olivia, and me were trying to hold in our laughter. See, I was holding a banana, and we were gonna do the "there's a call for you" prank. I gently snuck over next to Aiden's bed, put the banana next to his head, and finally, snapped my fingers in front of his face. He whipped awake, not even looking at the banana. "There's a call for you." I said, trying to be serious. He pulled the banana closer to his ear. "Hello?" Aiden asked. "Hello? Hellooo?" He looked at the banana, and finally realized it was a set up. Aiden was not amused. We all finally lost it.

Aiden POV
After Jesse decided it would be a good idea to fall asleep, I decided to get some revenge for the banana-phone incident. I grabbed a plate, and loaded it with flour. "So, if this is the game you wanna play, Jesse, so be it." I whispered under my breath. I snuck over to the bed, and slapped the plate in her face. Flour flew everywhere. Jesse sat up, and glared at me. "Olay Aiden. It is officially on."

Jesse POV
I was holding the bottle of hot sauce, standing next to his bed. Maya was standing next to me, shaking her head. "I dunno, Jesse. This seems like a bit much to me." I sighed, went to the kitchen, and grabbed a smaller bottle of hot sauce. She nodded at me. "Perfect. Do your thing, girl." She stepped aside, and I gently coated his lips with hot sauce. After a while of waiting, he began to lick his lips. We bloted awake, then dashed to the bathroom. I heard the sink go, then he shouted, "THIS ISN'T FUNNY, JESSE!" I shouted back, "YES IT IS, BABE!"

Aiden POV
I held a jar of expired mayonnaise out. We were all wearing clothespins over our noses to block out the scent.
Jesse wasn't.
That was the point.
I gently opened the jar, while looks of horror decorated everyone's faces. The smell exploded, being everywhere at once. Jesse bolted awake, gagging and coughing, the smeel bringing tears to her eyes. She dashed out of the room, and threw open the window.

The Next Morning
Jesse POV
I had messed with Aiden's phone before he fell asleep. I made it so that when we all woke up, it would say it was 12:30 when it was actually only 9:30.
All of us except for Aiden were sitting at the breakfast table, discussing the prank. "All, right, so, we all remember the plan? We all hide outside the house, making him think it's Sunday. Then, when he goes out to look for us, we'll sneak back in the house." Everyone nodded. I looked at them all. "Alright, we better scatter, because I set his alarm to go off in five minutes." We grabbed our breakfasts, and snuck out of the house. After a couple minutes, my phone went off. It was Aiden giving me a call. "Babe? Where are you all?" he asked me. I whispered back, "Babe, I can't talk right now. Me, my group, and the Blaze Rods are on a mission together." "Did someone say...BLAZE RODS?!" shouted Gill. "Shut up, Gill!" I shouted at him. "My bad, Gill's being an annoying brat again." Aiden gently laughed. "But seriously, you mean to tell me I slept all the way to Sunday?" I shrugged. "Apparently!" Suddenly, Petra and Gill began to make odd noises to stifle their laughter. "Oh my God! The Temple Guardian! Gotta go, babe!" I shouted. I hung up, and glared at Petra and Gill. "What was that? You almost blew the whole thing!" Petra snickered. "Sorry, it's just so funny!" We heard the front door open and close again. We all quickly shuffled back into the house, acting like nothing happened. Aiden walked back in, saw us, and realized. I stood up, catching my breath from the laughter, and said, "This is for the mayonnaise incident." Aiden held up his hands, chuckled, and said, "Okay, okay, truce. By the way, you have something on your mouth." I began to get confused. "What do you-" I was cut off by the feel of his gentle lips on mine, his tongue gently slipping in my mouth. After a game of tag in our nouths, we pulled apart, trying to catch our breath. Aiden smirked at me. "It was my lips."

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