-You must be kidding me

-No...I cant eat more

-We wont leave until you eat at least the half of this

-Martinus...I can't

-Dont make me feed you..You know that I will do it


I smile again proudly and she rolls her eyes...AGAIN. I find this kind of hot. But I have to stop finding cute and hot things in her. After she eats the half of it I take her again on my hands and she tells me which one is her class. I leave her stand by herself and then knock the door. I open it and try to have the cutest smile on my face. Ohh good she has a good teacher in the first lesson.

-Hi miss...Alina was with me cause she didnt feel good so she had to eat.

-Oh hey Martinus...Alina...do you feel better now?

-Yes, much better. Thank you miss

She says and I see her walking through her chair. Nobody else sits with her. My eyes catch Karoline looking me and she bites her lip.

Why the fuck she thinks that she is hot? I see nothing more than a mens' toy. Anyways dont really care bout her.

I nod to the teacher and close the door again. Now I have to go to my class too but they have left only ten minutes so I will survive. 


The final bell rang and I ran to her class to take her and leave together. But she is not there. I ask a girl if she knows where she is and she told me that she left an hour ago. Weird. She maybe didnt feel well and went to her home. I have to check it. I started to walk to her home but in the road I saw her. I went to her but she hadnt understand that I was behind her.

Alina Pov

I was walking back home. I was at my  doctor. In the morning I dont know why I passed out but it was not because of food. Every time something like this happens, I have to go and do medical examinations.

My doctor was a bit confused with my situation and said that this is not so good. She told me that we have to wait until tomorrow to see the results.

I am so worried. I dont want to be in the hospital the whole time again. I dont want to have so many doctors around me searching for therapy to "save" me. I hate all these. My eyes are already wet and I feel a tear in my cheek.


Suddenly I feel a hand in my back. I turn around and I see Martinus.

He has a smile on his face but when he sees me it dissappears. I know that what I do is so wrong but I cant hold it back. I jump in him and wrap my hands around his neck and my legs around his waist. I leave all my tears run. I feel his strong arms wrapping around me holding me tight. He strokes my back and he tries to calm me down.

We stay like this for I think 3 minutes. He didnt make a move to leave me. He didnt say anything. He didnt ask me why. All the people and cars that pass look at us but Martinus dont care. I put my legs on the ground and leave Martinus free.

-Are you okay?

-Yeah...I dont know why I did this. I am so stupid...I just-

-Shhhh dont say this...We all have bad moments.

-Thanks for understanding me.

-I came in your class but you werent there

-Yeah...I had to go somewhere

-ohh good...give me your phone

I give it to him and I see him typing something. He smiles a bit and give it back to me.

-I will send you for tomorrow's time

-Ohh yeah okay

-Do you want me to come with you 'till your home? You seem a bit tired and I still haven't forgotten what happened earlier this morning

-Actually...I would like to walk alone for a bit. Sorry.

-Its okey..I understand. See ya tomorrow

I nod and we smile to each other before he turns his back and starts walking to another direction.

I wish I had met him earlier... actually I wish I could meet him in another life. If I was healthy and if I knew that I could have some time with him, I would have kissed this boy from the first day. I would grap him and never let him go. He has the life on his eyes.

When I look at him, I feel lost. Lost in his world. But...all of this cannot happen.

And what about tomorrow? Will I be able to go to our meeting? Will the results be good enough? Will I be able to keep my promise? Will he see me tomorrow?

I look at the sky

"You know better" I wisper and keep walking. God has a plan for me. I just need to play my role in the best way I can.







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