"Yeah, yeah, they're coming," he nodded, "They're really excited, actually."

"Good, great, that's fucking great, at least they, you know, don't have to have a baby rip through a fucking tiny hole in their body-"

"Hey, babe?" he shut you up with a kiss to your lips, "You'll be fine. It'll all be worth it, I promise. It'll be soworth it. Don't tell me you're not just about to pee your pants waiting for this little guy, because I know you are. You're gonna be a mum, (Y/N)."

"You should've worn a fucking condom," you snarled through your teeth, even though you didn't mean it. You didn't mean any of it. There was nothing you wanted more than to hold your little baby, your little miracle, in your arms, even if you had to go through hell to see it.

You put your hands on your gigantic belly, smiling to yourself.

"See you soon, bud," you cooed, rubbing it gently.


"Fuck," you cursed, "Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck."

You paced around the tiny room, trying not to either vomit or run off.

You were about to get fucking married.

"(Y/N)," your maid of honor replied, placing her comforting hands on your shoulders, "It's okay."

"God, fuck, no it's not! What the hell was I thinking?! 'Yeah, sure, Cal, I'll totally marry you,' what the fuck? NO!"

"Well geez I hope that wasn't your response when he asked you," she muttered, but you didn't bother in replying, "(Y/N) you've been with Calum for ages now. There's nothing to be scared of."

"Yes there is, oh my God. What if we get divorced, then all this was for pretty much nothing! And what if we get up there and the priest is all like 'Calum you sure you wanna marry this bitch?' and he says 'lol nope' and just runs out of there, just never to be seen again!" you sat down in the elegant chair in the corner, placed conveniently right by the window, covering your face with your hands.

"Really, (Y/N)?" she asked you, "Really? You're scared of being left at the altar? Calum is in love with you, (Y/N), he's obsessed with you. He'd be an idiot to leave you at the altar, considering he loves you and all."

"I'm just, I don't know, I'm just nervous," you shrugged, looking up at her pitifully. Everything was in order, and the wedding was about to start.

You were all dressed up in your white gown and your tiara and your flowers were sitting right on the stand next to the door. Your maid of honour, your parents, everything was ready. But you weren't. The constant nagging of 'what if's' constantly flodded into your mind. Different scenarios of Calum saying no or Calum running off with some Jessica Rabbit look-alike in the audience, or even a meteor flying in and destroying everything. You weren't ready to get married. Spending the rest of your life with someone - talk about intimidating.

"Everybody gets nervous, (Y/N)," her voice was quiet, and sympathetic, trying her best to calm you down and make sure you actually went through with this wedding and not bounce in a spur of the moment decision.

"You're spending the rest of your life with this guy, hell, I'd be worried if you weren't nervous," she smiled.

"But you love him. I know you do. You and Calum have something special, and he loves you so much and you love him so much and if you don't go through with this wedding, it'll break his heart. And your mum's. Your mum will be miserable."

"Thanks," you laughed.

"So you okay now?" she asked.

"No," you responded truthfully, "If I get up there and vomit I am straight up vomiting on Calum. It's his own fault, he asked me to marry him."

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