the one with the christmas party

Start from the beginning

He nods in approval and we start walking down the stairs. We all gather on the couch. "I figured mint hot cocoa and Christmas movies are the move for tonight and tomorrow." We all happily nod. I sit next to Stryder on the love seat. Anna, Lee, and Delilah all share the big couch. I pull my feet to my chest and lay on his shoulder. He puts his arm around me, rubbing my back. Anna turns on Elf and we laugh at the funny parts and our hearts ache at the heart-warming moments. Of course, this reminded me of my dad. But I keep a smile on.

After four movies it was around nine and for me, it was eleven so I was pretty tired. I get up, stretch, and yawn. "I think I'm going to go to bed," I say with a soft smile. They nod and yell goodnight. Stryder gives me a quick peck on the lips so we wouldn't get in trouble. I walk up to my room and lay under the covers. I was tired as fuck, but I was going to wait until Stryder went to bed so I could sneak in there. About ten minutes later I hear him close the door and say goodnight to his parents. Someone was fiddling with my door handle so I quickly pretend I'm asleep. "See look, she's in her room and he's in his. They're respecting your rule." The door closes and I wait about five minutes. I get up, go into the hallway then quickly run into Stryder's room. I quietly close the door. He's already passed out. I shake my head with a smile. I get in next to him and lay on his chest. I get under the covers and just fall asleep.

We wake up to the sun shining in our eyes. His arm was around my body, keeping me close to his. I smile and snuggle closer to him. I hear a woman clear her throat and my heart starts beating faster. We both quickly sit up and look at the door. "I'm fine with you guys sharing a room because obviously, all you did was sleep, but Kate, you might want to get back to your room before Lee sees you." I nod with a smile. I get up and go back to my room. "Thank you," I whisper and she just laughs down the hall.

I get ready for the day, taking a shower, doing my makeup, and dressing in a nice Christmas dress. Today, a bunch of Stryder's family was coming over for a Christmas Eve dinner. I was excited to meet them all because I haven't met anyone but his parents and Delilah. After an hour I'm done. I walk out of my room at the same time Stryder does. I look at him weirdly. "It took you an hour to get ready?" He throws his head back and laughs. "No, when you left I meant to get up too, but I fell back asleep for about forty-five minutes." I laugh, nodding. That sounded more like him.

We walk down both flights of stairs into the kitchen. "We're here and ready to help with whatever," Stryder says with a smile. Anna turns around and nods. "Kate, can you please do these dishes and set up the table?" I nod and walk over to the sink. "Babe, could you please mow the grass, wash the patio, and set up some tables and shade covers?" He nods, taking off his jacket and going outback. Before I can put the gloves on my stomach starts to turn. I quickly run to the guest bathroom and grip the porcelain bowl with my hands. Out comes the dinner from last night, along with some hot cocoa. Once it's all out I wipe my mouth and wash my mouth out with water. What the hell?

I come out of the bathroom and Anna looks at me worriedly. "Oh dear, you puked too?" I look at her curiously. "This morning Lee puked and that's why he's not out here. Something must've been up with the food yesterday, I'm so sorry dear." I grab her hands with a smile. "It's okay Anna. It's nothing you did on purpose." She nods. "I suppose so." I smile and get back to the dishes. After washing all those I follow Anna's directions to a linen closet. I grab two large tablecloths, thirteen special plates, thirteen cloth napkins, and the special forks and knives. I lay one tablecloth down then the other. I put each plate down in front of a chair. I fold the napkins into small rectangles, putting them right next to the plates. I put a fork and knife on the napkin, next to the plates. After each spot was perfect I start helping Anna with the cooking.


The clock hit four and the first knock comes from the door. "I got it!" I yell, not wanting anyone else to have to stop doing what they're doing. I open the door and put a smile on my face. They walk in the door and look at me confused. My cheeks start burning and I'm starting to get nervous. "I-I'm Stryder's girlfriend. We've actually been best friends since I was born." They look at me and smile awkwardly. "I'm sorry, I'm sure you didn't want to hear all that. Anna is in the kitchen." They laugh lightly and all go into the kitchen. I follow them and after everyone giving hugs Anna introduces me. "Come here, dear." I nod and stand next to her. "This is Nolan, Lee's brother. This is his wife Sofia and their two kids Chandler and Isabella." I shake all their hands. "My name's Kate, nice to meet all of you." They all say the same and Anna tells them where the backyard was. I look at Anna and pout. "I completely embarrassed myself in front of them." She laughs getting back to work.

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