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That is when I started to have my fun. I sat there staring straight ahead as Noah started taking notes with one hand draped over my shoulder since we were sitting at a table together. I leaned into him and rested my hand on his thigh. He smiled down at me and continued listening to his lecture. I slowly eased my hand up his leg rubbing circles in his leg getting closer and closer to no man's land. What makes this better is that since his arm is around me he can't remove it to stop me without drawing attention. As for his other hand well it is busy taking notes. Luckily for us, Noah is sitting next to a wall which means no one can see what I am doing since I am leaning against him blocking him from behind and the side. I let my hand rest on his manhood and start to rub it gripping him. He leans down "Shelly baby please stop." I just look up at him and smile. While he is trying so hard not to squirm I unzip his pants and slide my hand into his pants. I grip him again and start to stroke him.

He glares at me and I can tell he is trying really hard not to moan. Grinning I unbutton his boxers and reach in and rub my thumb over the end of his penis eliseting a low groan. Smirking I pull out my hand and suck my thumb before putting everything back on it's place.

The bell signaling the end of class rings and Noah glares at me. "Shelly I can't move yet." Giggling I shake my head and stand up pulling my skirt down and stretching letting a little bit of skin show. I couldn't help but smirk when he shifted in his seat " not funny Shelly baby."


Waking up with Shelly in my arms was pure heaven. Even though we didn't make love last night I was happy just holding her. I let out a low groan thinking about having to leave Shelly alone in bed. I especially didn't like the idea of leaving her alone with Lee asleep on the couch. I know nothing is going to happen they are just besties but still he is a man alone with my mate. I shook my head and headed to the bathroom to get ready for the day ahead. After showering and getting dressed I made sure to set the alarm again for my Shelly and went to my first class.

Class was it's usual boring self and all I could think about was the two class periods I had off. It wasn't until one of my teammates reminded me that we had to meet up with our potential mentees and I groan. I hope Shelly is assigned to me or at least another girl. Yoda speaks up "Yes, if they are not assigned to us it better be another girl. I don't want our mate with another male. If we do not get mate we better be assigned a male because Lea and Shelly will not like us with another female." I walked into the classroom I was given and sat down where my name tag was placing it on my jacket. I had decided to wear a blue button down shirt Shelly loves with my blue jean's and leather jacket. I soon smell a bunch of perfume and cologne enter the room together. They must have all been standing right next to each other since I couldn't smell one single person. I was staring at my phone getting ready to go onto my social media pages when I heard "I hope that tall drink of water in the blue shirt and leather jacket is assigned to me." I groaned internally great another slut.

I wasn't planning on paying attention to the mentees until I heard "DAMN FLYN YOUR FIANCEE IS H.O.T. HOT." I look up and glare and shake my head at Shelly since she is wearing her uniform and it is obvious the skirt is from last year. Yeah she might be able to still wear it since it looks like it is still with in dress code regulation but for me it is too fucking short. The professor tells them to go find their mentor and explains that if they attend Harvard they would still be our mentee and to spend the period getting to know each other. This girl walks up to me and starts dragging her hand down my arm purring "too bad your not my mentor." I grab her hand and throw it off of my arm. "I am engaged and not interested." I see Shelly smirk and start strutting up to me letting her hips sway a little more than normal and wrap her arms around my neck "guess what baby." I look at her glaring since she bent over which causes her skirt to rise up more in the back and all the yahoos start staring and even tip their heads to try to see up her skirt. "What Shelly baby?" "Ah come on guess" she pouts. "Not in the mood Shelly." I reach out wrapping one arm around her waist and whispering "it is taking every ounce of my control not to beat every guy in this room for eye rapping you. Not to mention what we will do if you're assigned to a guy." She giggles. She actually fucking giggles knowing we are about to lose control. "what if I am ok with it being a guy." I glare at her. What the hell does she mean she doesn't mind if it's another guy. I start to reach out to smack her ass but I stop myself remembering that she will make us pay if I punish her in public.. Yoda speaks up "I am glad you didn't spank mate or else she might wear something worse and let all these guys see what belongs to us. I figure she is talking to Lea so I wave my hand in front of her face "hello tell me what you wanted me to guess I am not in the mood for games." She huffes "fine your my mentor." I smile "really I get to have you with me all day and night." I wiggle my eyebrows at her. She smacks me as she pulls away and takes the seat next to me. "Oh, babe don't you have football at five?" "Yep, why?" "Oh, I need to meet up with John." I glare at her yet again thinking who the fuck is John and when can I put him in the hospital for going near our mate. "I don't think so Shelly you are mine. That ring on your finger proves it." She giggled as I let out a low growl. This woman is asking for it. "The women's Soccer Coach." I groan. "So not funny Shelly." Why does she have to tease me like this? Right when I am about to tell her to stop her teasing the guy behind us leans forward and says: "I think it is very funny. Your girl is good Flynn, boy did she get you." She chuckles "They don't call me the Bucknor Hall Prank Queen for nothing."

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