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Lee and Becs ended up in a fight because he wasn't happy she helped me trick Noah with what I was wearing and sneaking off. I, of course, gave him a piece of my mind and told him he had to apologize to her first thing in the morning. I explained to him that since he wanted us to be good friends then what she had helped me with the night before was what made her a good friend. Now with me being me, I couldn't let the opportunity of him sleeping on our couch pass me by. Once he was out cold I pulled out the henna ink and got to work. Once I was done I took my pictures and made sure to set up a camera in the bathroom to get his reaction when he looked in the mirror. I had even snuck down to his room and with Becs help set up some cameras in their room as well since she was mad at him and was more than willing to help. When I showed her the pictures she about died laughing.

I went back to my room and soon fell asleep against Noah. The next morning I woke up to an empty bed and sighed. I knew Noah had an early class and then he was meeting the person who was his potential assignment. Little did he know that since the dean of schools was Felicia my Alpha of the Vampire covens and since she knew Noah and I are mates she assigned me to him. She knew if he was assigned a strange female or I was assigned a strange Male she could have a problem on her hands. She had actually made sure all mates were matched to prevent any fighting if they were matched with the opposite sex. The students were not told since they were going to be waiting for us in a class and wearing name tags. I quickly got dressed in my junior year uniform skirt and yellow top with Noah's tie. I wore this outfit for two reasons one I had filled out a little more so the skirt was a little short not as bad as my Freshman skirt it still fell in the dress code guidelines but was too short by Noah's standards. The second reason let's just say, boy did we have fun in that science classroom. I soon hear "TWIN YOU HAVE GOT TO BE FING KIDDING ME!" I couldn't help but laugh and pulled up all the video and saw him go onto our bathroom wash his hands and leave. He never looked up before he left the room. While in his room Becs kept laughing causing him to look in the mirror and see my handy work. I captured my stills and posted them online. Everyone gave him grief because I had drawn flowers, hearts and wrote Shelly was here, My Twin Rocks and rule number two all over his chest and arms. I did add some hearts and flowers to his face but nothing too dramatic since he had to tour MIT, BCU, and Tufts.

I took off before Lee could catch me and headed to meet up with Noah. As I walked into the room this girl next to me nudged me and said: "I hope that tall drink of water with the blue shirt and leather jacket is assigned to me." I looked up and saw that it was Noah and just smiled. He never even looked up until some Yahoo yelled: "DAMN FLYNN YOUR FIANCEE IS H.O.T. HOT." Noah looks up and glares at me shaking his head. The professor tells us to go find our mentor and explains that if we attend Harvard they would still be our mentor and to spend the period getting to know each other. That girl walks up to Noah dragging her hand down his arm purring "too bad your not my mentor." He grabs it and throws it off. "I am engaged and not interested." I smirked strutting up to him letting my hips sway a little more than normal and wrap my arms around his neck "guess what baby." He looks at me glaring since I am leaning over causing all the guys to stare at me. "What Shelly baby?" "Ah come on guess" I pout. "Not in the mood Shelly." He reaches out wrapping one arm around my waist and whispering "it is taking every ounce of my control not to beat every guy in this room for eye rapping you. Nor to mention what we will do if you're assigned to a guy." I giggle "what if I am ok with it being a guy." He glares at me and goes to smack my ass but stops himself. Lea speaks up "he finally realizes not to control us. Now can we stop." I tell her "now you talk to me." "I was mad about teasing our mate for so long." "Yet we had fun." "True but are we done." nope but today might be the last day." Noah waves his hand in front of my face "hello tell me what you wanted me to guess I am not in the mood for games." I huffed "fine your my mentor." He smiles "really I get to have you with me all day and night." He wiggles his eyebrows at me smacking him I pull away and take the seat next to him. "Oh, babe don't you have football at five?" "Yep, why?" I thought I would have some fun with him so instead of telling him the whole truth I hit him with "Oh, I need to meet up with John." Noah glares at me again "I don't think so Shelly you are mine. That ring on your finger proves it." I giggle as I hear his low growl "The women's Soccer Coach." He groans "So not funny Shelly."
The guy behind us leans forward and says: "I think it is very funny. Your girl is good Flynn, boy did she get you." I chuckle "They don't call me the Bucknor Hall Prank Queen for nothing."

Noah had a break after the meet and greet so we headed to the cafe and met up with his teammates. Noah was looking at his phone since it kept going off and he started laughing his ass off. Everyone looked at him funny as he was shaking his head then looked at me "so, regular or permanent marker." I grinned "Neither Henna ink." He almost fell off his chair he was laughing so hard. "When will my little bro learn not to piss you off or break one of your crazy rules." I grinned "I don't know but I hope never I love pranking him." "Have you seen what the gang back home have committed?" "Nope." "Well, Duncan posted damn little Flynn why the hell would you sleep where Evan's can get you. Tuppen posted I want to know how he slept through all of that. I don't mind those posts and several others but the one that has a death wish is Warren." I looked up at Noah "Why what the hell did he post?" "I wouldn't mind if Evan's did that to me. The idea of her being close to my bare chest and having her name on me is hot." Noah was almost growling at the end. I pulled up the post to comment but there was need Tuppen and Duncan reamed him. Warning him that he better stay away from me or he was going to have to deal with both of them. I smiled and leaned into Noah "don't worry about Warren babe, you missed the comments where Tuppen and Duncan warn him to leave me alone.

Noah ended up showing them what was going on and the guys all started laughing and the one called Blake looked at me "what in the world did Flynn's little brother do to make you prank him." "He divulged some confidential information to our friend's which is breaking one of our bestie rules." All the guys looked at Flynn "remind us never to piss off your girl." Noah laughed "you better add prank to that list as well. If you prank her she will laugh but she will also get you back. You all should take a really long look at my social you will see some of the pranks she has pulled they are all on there since she tags me in all her pranks she posts so I can see and comment on them." They looked at me and one of the guys asked: "is that why he has a blue tinge to his skin and a pinkish tinge to his hair." I laughed "yep, at least he was able to brush off the black dye I had on his teeth with whitening toothpaste." The guys all laughed and jumped on Noah's social media pages and saw Lee with his Electric blue body, Magenta hair and black teeth. They were all rolling with laughter "how does he not know you are going to get him." Noah shakes his head "I don't know especially since this is the eleventh time she has died his hair." I looked at Noah "I actually had to use gel die this time he caught on to my usual trap." Noah shook his head "true but it only took him ten times to learn."

After getting to know some of Noah's teammates we headed to his next class and sat next to each other. While I was sitting there this girl walks up and looks me up and down "excuse me do you mind not hanging on my boyfriend bitch." I look up at her and snort "yeah, right like I would touch your boyfriend." She glares at me "hello your doing it right now." I laugh clinging to Noah tighter so I don't fall out of my chair only making her stomp her feet since Noah had also wrapped his arms around my waist. "What is so funny and get your hands off my boyfriend?" I looked up at her "the fact you think Noah is your boyfriend." "He prefers Flynn." I grin "to everyone but me right baby." He nuzzles my neck "yep, Shelly baby." The girl glares at me yet again "You are just a slut that has to steal someone else's man." "You are delusional considering he has been mine for a while now." "Oh, really he has been mine since the beginning of the first semester." I throw my head back and laugh "that is a good one since he has been mine since hmm oh yeah since the second semester of his senior year. Oh, yeah not to mention this ring on my finger." I hold out my hand waving it in front of her face so she can see my grandmother's engagement ring.

She growled and stomped off causing everyone in the room to laugh. The professor soon walked in and asked if there were any future entering freshman to please stand up tell everyone our name, why we want to attend Harvard, let them know any extracurricular activities we were interested in and something about ourselves that is not school related. I stood up looking around and took a deep breath "Hello, I am Rochelle Elizabeth Evans but most people call me Elle or Evans. I am currently looking into attending Harvard so I can get into Harvard Law and become a Lawyer like my mother and her best friend. As for extracurricular activites, I guess you can call me a jock since I am being offered a soccer scholarship. As for a little bit about my personal life, I guess I could say yes, I was the girl that Noah Flynn proposed to on Saturday in the middle of the quad and I said yes seeing as he is my childhood crush." I sat down and Noah pulled me into his arms whispering in my ear "I really hate how all the guys are staring at you."

There was only one other person in the class and once he was done the professor started his lecture. That is when I started to...

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