Part 6

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Tao strolled through the beach in black he made sure to hide himself. SM forbid them to go out but he managed to sneak out on his own. He walked around listening to the beautiful sound of the waves crashing on the shore. He started hearing Kris' voice, his laugh, maybe even his breath that Tao memorized as it was the sound that made him fall asleep every night. He wished Kris could be next to him right now...he stared far out into the ocean knowing that Kris is somewhere on another beach thinking about him.


Today was the day they left to go to China. They were asked to film yet again at Happy Camp. Everyone was excited and happy while Tao dozed off to sleep next to an empty chair. Luhan watched Tao quietly dozing as he hugged Kris's husky plush while leaving his at home. He recalled the time when they were still at the building.


"Hey Tao why are you bringing that one?"

"If I see him...I want him to have him."


Luhan tilts his head and closes his eyes at the thought of Tao. He felt bad for the poor panda, he was struggling the most. Xiumin taps his shoulder and Luhan wakes up to see Sehun holding out bubble tea to him.

"Ah gamsahabnida." Luhan says taking it and sipping. He was very afraid of heights and so the members always finds ways to calm him down. He was thankful for his members because it was very stressful for him just being on a plane...AGAIN!

"You doing ok hyung?" Sehun says smiling at him. He smiles back and nods.

"I'm going to take a nap so wake me up when were there."

"Ok hyung have a good need it."


Once they arrive at the airport Chen quickly started singing as Sehun woke up Luhan. Kyungsoo and Kai were playing Rock Paper Scissors as to who would carry the luggage. Chanyeol and Baekhyun were just smiling at each other while Suho checked his phone. Xiumin ran to wake up Tao who stretched his arms in relief.

11 members...

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at the empty seat next to Tao in silence. Everything was normal except for the part where Kris would be yawning loudly and screaming at them for being too loud. Tao put the husky plush in his chair and kisses the top of it's head.

"HAJA!" Suho says cheering them up as everyone got ready to get out. Luhan helps Tao thankful to get out of the darn plane.

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