Part 4

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"So how am I?" Kris asked worried more and more about my weak health. He was often dizzy and was often tired.

"Your doing better just take the medications like I've told you and you'll be back on your feet again!"

"Oh that's great to hear." His mind suddenly wandered and thought about the Exo members. He knew He did the whole thing for them and not himself. The doctor leaves and the lawyer comes in, he brings a fruit basket with him.

"So how's you health?"

"It's been much better how's the case?"

"It's been an uproar and SM hasn't announced it yet. We have to push it further kris...we have to make them regret how much pain they caused you."

"Um...I don't think that's fans are already hurt the fact that i filed a lawsuit. It would be worse if they thought I'm planning to-"

"Leave kris leave! They treat you unfairly, make you practice hard without getting enough pay. You don't eat anything but ramen and stay in that apartment with-"

"I think you should leave..." He thought of Tao. How depressed he must be right now. "I need to rest."

"Oh...ok I'll be taking my leave." He covers himself with the sheets. He closed his eyes hoping everything goes ok.

Tao's POV

I looked through weibo only seeing hashtags such as #webelieveinyoukris everywhere. Fans asking us to help Kris, to bring back our leader. They don't know we were powerless. Luckily the manager had let me borrow my phone for a second. I decided to upload the picture I took when we were on the airplane. Don't worry our fans...I believe in kris.

"Wo Ai Ni Wuyifan..." Tears started flowing slowly from my eyes. Suddenly the manager comes in. He looked enraged he takes the computer and deletes the photo immediately. He snatches my phone and leaves stomping. I suddenly hear it ringing... I slowly crept to see who it was.


"TAO?! TAOOO?!" It was kris! The manager quickly turns it off. I wanted to scream when I feel someone clasp my mouth.

Kris's POV


"Tao..." I drop my phone and start crying. He was mad at me...he's probably disappointed and hates me.
Great...I lost him.

Tao's POV

"KRISSSS!" I scream crying into my pillow.

"Get it together hyung!"Sehun says sitting next to me.


"Sh...hyung...let's not get caught ok?" Sehun says clasping my mouth. I quickly nod and I follow him back to my room.


"I saw what happened... They took all our phones."

"He deleted it..."


"My message. Kris needs me! I have to go back to China!"

"Do you think they'll let you go back?! Your stuck here like your in a one can leave. Sasaengs are all over the place and the company says it's too dangerous."

"Why believe the company? The company can't even bring kris back..." I look down wiping my tears slowly. "They...can't do anything...right."

"Hyung..." Sehun suddenly hugs me crying. "I mean."

Chanyeols POV

I had taken a long stroll I needed to clear my mind. Everything that has been's too much. I decided to go in disguise and just looked around. I sat on the park bench where Baekhyun and I would eat before we debuted.

"The wind is blowing at me so much...because of this empty place right next to-"

"Chanyeol." I looked up and saw Baekhyun. He sat next to me and I look away. What was he doing here?

"Chanyeol are you just going to ignore me?" I feel his cold hands reach for mine but I quickly jerked it away.

"What are you"

"Oh want some?" He hands me a piece of bread. It was the one we ate as trainees. I shake my head trying to ignore him.

"Chanyeol can you support me?" He says looking me in the eye.

"I always do..." I say standing up and walking back to the dorm.

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