Chapter 5

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Ashley's house

I got home by 11pm coz I was on foot. I couldn't be bothered going in a train. so I walked. By the time I came on my door step I heard moans from upstairs. shit I'm late. mum brings a different guy every time she goes out to stuff. I walked inside to find the house a complete mess. great! now I have to clean this pig sty! I climbed upstairs to my room and plopped myself on the carpet. too tired to sleep on the bed. I looked up at the plain cream coloured ceiling and sighed putting my hands on my face. today was a really eventful day! I thought to myself. I loud bang woke me up and I sat up. da fuck was that? I stood up and walked close to my door and opened it up to reveal my mum panting loudly with a bruised jaw and a bloody nose. I gasped at the sight of her and dragged her inside my room locking the door.

"What happened?" I asked sitting her down on my bed.

"You happened! if you wouldn't of came home, he wouldn't of bashed me up! your such a bitch Ashley! I wish I never had you! I wish I could go back when you were born and kill you then and there! your father was wrong! you didn't bring happiness to the family! you brought bad luck ashley! I hate you!" she screamed at me standing up and towering over me. I was nearly in tears and looked down at my feet with my shoulders up near my neck. did she really mean that? Ma backed away and looked at me for a second with disgust and stormed out the door calling for some James. I stood in the exact position for what seemed hours and trying to soak in what she said. did I bring bad luck to this family? was I the cause that my dad left us? am I the reason why my mum is like how she is right now? I looked around my room to find it cold and empty, suddenly feeling the rush to puke, I ran in my bathroom and vomited out everything I had in the city in the toilet. I puked out my guts. by now I was was crying. I couldn't stop the tears from falling out from my eyes, I scrunched myself into a ball and cradled myself on the cold bathroom floor. I'm so alone.

After what seems like centuries, I got off the floor with an aching left side. never sleep on the floor peeps! I got up and looked at myself in the mirror after a very long time. I have really big dark circles under my eyes, a bloody scar going across my right cheek. wait what? a scar? I leaned forward in the mirror to examine this newly found scar on my cheek. when did I get this? I touch it lightly with the tips of my fingers and hissed at the pain it caused.

"Fuck" I cursed. I looked around my bathroom to find anything to cover it up or at least clean it up, and found a old first aid kit that I didn't even know of. I opened the old kit and turned it upside down so everything could fall on the counter, everything came out and with it I found...a letter? wtf? I reached for the letter and opened it to find a small key in it. strange. I examined the key closely, it looked quite old with the grease on the tips of it, I put the key a side and read the letter

Dear Ashley.

I know my love I have very disappointed you. but I have my reasons, your mother and I have been on a rough patch and we discovered that we are not a great couple. your mother and I have decided that we would separate. I take your older brother with me and you will stay here with your mother where you will be save. I will always love you my dear daughter. I kept this letter in your first aid kit in your bathroom because I know you won't need it for quite some time. I hope you are old enough to understand my reasons Ashley. your brother and I will always love you. I already miss you my pumpkin (is that too cheesy for you)

Your loving father,

I stared at the letter for a few minutes with shock, surprise, anger,love and so many emotions I can't describe. 'is that too cheesy for you'. wtf is that suppose to mean?! OMG I just found out my father is alive! And I have a older brother!? Wtf!? and all this time ma told me I was the only child and that my father walked out on us for another women!? what the actual fuck!? Why would my own mother lie to me?! wtf!?

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