Chapter 3

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I came to a stop at the coffee shop and went inside. no one.

I think I should give Timmy another call?

I dialled Timmy's number and waited for him to pick up, to my surprise he did

"Where the fuck are you? do you have any idea how worried I am? it's been 2 hours Ashley! 2 whole fucking hours since you stormed out! you could of just Fucking texted me to where you where! but NOOO little miss brook had to be left alone while her only poor friends get a headache worrying where you are" he yelled.

Damn his really pissed!

"Sheesh hi to you too, calm your microscopic balls bro! I'm fine and where are you?" I replied

Timmy sighed and said "ok I'm at the nearby park alone, Miguel left me hanging in the coffee shop, like come on! that hot chick sitting near the other window laughed at me! she fucking laughed at the handsome Timmy for being a loner in a old stupid coffee shop!" He whined complaining about that slut kind of chick back in the coffee shop.

"Wait what? Miguel left you in the coffee shop? where is he now?" I asked worrying about that ass wipe. Even though I still have in mind what he said, I still cared.

"Oh yeah he left when you left and left me hanging. wow I said so many 'lefts' like whoa!" Timmy said, mainly just mumbling to himself.

"Ugh! I swear if I find that ass wipe, I'll ass wipe his face with your ass and stand back and kick his ass from behind and then stick a echidna up his ass!" I yelled in frustration which caused a lot of attention and a whole lot of freaked out looks.

"Whoa whoa! hold up right there! why does my ass has to be put in this? I didn't do anything bruh!?" Timmy asked desperately and a bit afraid.

Haha that idiot!

"Your ass is in this coz you let him go!" I said in frustration. I swear these two bitches cause a hell lot of trouble!

"K I'm coming to the park and we'll go find him" I said and starting skating where the park is.

"Ok! I'll be sitting on the far end bench, there's a lot if hot chicks around here! I should come here more often!" Timmy said and I could literally see him smirking and eyeing a innocent women's ass or boobs.

I hung up on him since I was skating and I was nearly to the park. I stopped on the side walk and looked around for any sight of Timmy, I looked around the play ground and the benches there. nope no sign if him there. I looked where the walking track was and spotted Timmy greeting and winking at every chick passed by. I rolled my eyes and walked up to him.

"Hello der ugly looking man" Timmy said while scrunching up his face when he looked at me.

"Shut the fuck up and call Miguel" I ordered him.

"Sheesh! what went up your ass?" Timmy scoffed

I ignored him and crossing my legs while sitting next to him on the bench. While Timmy was trying to call Miguel I was busy looking around the park and looking at the children that were playing tag with their friends or parents, when suddenly my eye caught sight of a long dark figure hiding behind an oak tree. strange. I squinted my eyes to look closely when it ticked.! it was that creepy dude from Starbucks!!! oh my fucking god! his stalking me now! hold me back guys I'm gonna go and punch him!!.

"Tim! Tim! oii! Timothy!!" I whisper yelled while freaking out.

"Whaat?! and don't call me that!" Tim said annoyed of the full name of his.

"I relaxed back and tilted my head towards his so I could tell him the situation

"See that dude over near that huge tree?" I told him pointing with my eyes. He nodded, also squinting his eyes.

Skating my way to hell.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora