IMPORTANT: Alternate Universe (specifications)

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Hello my lovely readers!

Since this story takes place on a different planet, I wrote down a few specifications that could help make sense of some things in this story, since life is a bit different from what we know ourselves.

This chapter will tell the story of the planet 'Terraqua', and the next chapter will be about the different educational system on Terraqua.

Have fun reading!

Love, June


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Planet name: Sol 4; Terraqua

Continents: West Afrania, East Afrania, North Eurica, South Eurica, Antasia, Eurasia

Important:  Emotional Quotient takes place in the southern parts of North Eurica.

This story takes place on a different planet that was discovered in 2023, although rumors state that scientists and astronomists discovered Terraqua back in 1981 and kept this a secret until technology to travel trough space was developed far enough to realize a move of all humanity.

 Terraqua was quickly deemed as a safer environment for humans to live, after Earth's resources were close to being exhausted and its atmosphere was too poluted to live in. Terraqua's atmosphere is practically an exact copy of Earth's atmosphere (in a healthy state). 

Humans, when finally making the one-way trip to Terraqua, took different species with them to create a similar nature, and nurture their new planet in the best ways possible. This means the animals, for instance, are the same as we know them on Earth. All new technologies like solar-power were immidiatly used to prevent humans from exhausting (or poluting) Terraqua and its resources.

The start of Terraqua

Only a select group of people was chosen to make the first trip to Terraqua, and prepare the arrival of the rest of the humans strong enough to make the trip. When they arrived, they started a completely different society, with its own—new—rules and laws.

One of these rules was that Emotions needed to be trained, and people with high EQ's needed to rule the new world to prevent disputes between different parts of the world. No war has taken place since the start of the new society, and humans are living peacefully together on the new planet.

There is only one language, English, and there are no separate countries. Instead, the world functions as one country, with different provinces and counties that live and function under the same laws. This was meant to give every human being the same rights and rules.


However, segregation still exists, even in the peaceful society of Terraqua.

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