Chapter Twenty-One

Start from the beginning

"While we wait, can I presume I am going to accompany you all?" I glared at Phantom. Mir and Kate looked hopeful at me. Great, he had them on his side. How could I say no now? He knew it too.

"Fine, but our deal remains the same." I stuck out my hand. He stared at it, then raised his tiny right paw and slightly shook my hand. 

"Awe, Phantom, you're so cute." Mir rushed up to pet him. I went to tell her not to make his head any bigger when I heard Daniel pull into the driveway. 

"Finally," I breathed out and grabbed my things, one of which being Phantom. Mir and Kate followed behind me. 

"Shotgun!" Phantom called from my arms. I didn't even comment on his request. We met Daniel and Giu at the door. Daniel wore his usual t-shirt and jeans with tennis shoes, I wasn't surprised. However, Giu was in an interesting outfit. She was in head to toe pink camo tracksuit with pink stiletto leather boots. She looked like camo bubblegum.

"Wow," Kate said, sharing my same reaction. Giu even had a  matching pink camo hat on, which attempted to tame her large golden brown hair. Her eyes sparkled at us. She was proud of her outfit. I tried to smile, but it came out forced.

"I should have called you to tell you we were running late, but clearly you see why that was," Daniel said, gesturing towards Giu, who merely saluted. I'll admit, I had been annoyed with Daniel, but now it made sense.

"Let's just go," I replied deadpanned. As I passed Daniel, Phantom hissed. "Don't you start," I told him curtly and jumped into the passenger seat. Daniel already knew he was going to drive my car. I didn't mind driving, but I hated how people complained about it. Plus, I needed to hold Phantom, so he wouldn't freak out on Daniel.

Once we started driving, things calmed down. I tried to mentally prepare myself for what we were about to witness. We were "training" with the Lycan's, but I wasn't quite sure what that even meant. We needed to come up with a plan, especially with Sarah Good escalating. I shiver, remembering that she left Rebekah's dead body in my bed.

I hated to admit it, but Erik was right about the cabin being less creepy in the daytime. We didn't go inside the house. Instead, Sage led us to an open field. It was a beautiful place. The grass was tall and there were wild purple flowers scattering the floor. Sage stood at the front, Jack and Troy flanking her, and welcomed everyone.

"Thank you all for coming today, it's a pleasure to meet the Cursed Ones. I wondered what that smell was," Sage cackled, looking from Troy to Jack, who both erupting in laughter. Daniel, who stood protectively next to me tensed. Giu, on the other hand, just smirked. There wasn't much that bothered that girl. It was impressive.

"Anyways, I think we all know why everyone is here and what the purpose is: to defeat Sarah Good." It was annoying how powerful Sage's voice was. Even in the middle of nowhere, her voice carried such volume. She was impressive. "Now, I could list the things she's done, but what's the point? You already know. In fact, there's only one person here that can truly prepare us for Sarah Good." She paused and it was only then that I realized she was staring at me.

"Cornelia, tell us everything you know." When she said my name, my blood went cold. I stood there, looking from her dark eyes to everyone around me. Even Ivelyn, who I thought would throw a fit about not being in charge, was staring at me to say something. 

"Oh, um," I stuttered. I wasn't a public speaker like Sage and I didn't have this drive to be in charge like Ivelyn. It didn't come naturally to me. I cracked my knuckles.

"Just tell them what you've told me," Daniel took my hand and squeezed it gently. I know he meant well, but there were a lot of things I hadn't told him. In fact, he was usually the last person to find out about things Witch-related. Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw a pair of grey eyes: Erik's. I calmed, breathing in and out slowly.

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