Chapter 20- Lost Companion?

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"A-and what about the last companion? What do we do with that?" I added. "And the-"

"Can you stop for a second Mr. Hecox?" Evelyna said. Shes probably annoyed. I nodded.

"To get everybody here is simple, really. The same way you got here, except everybody would stick to make some sort of connection then poof!" She said.

"Then, the last companion..." She looked at Catherine, then looked down.

"The last companion.. Is dead."

"What?!" I yelled.

"Ian! Ian! Calm down." Catherine said, holding my arms. Probably to make me not destroy anything. BECAUSE, WHY THE HELL IS THE LAST FUCKING COMPANION DEAD?!

"You see, the last companion was incapable of living... She died because... of Jessi. Jessi killed her so that the Prophecy may never come to."

"Who... Who was the last companion?" I ask.

"Marzia Bisognin. More known as Marzia, Felix' girlfriend." It was Marzia?

I feel bad for Felix. It must be harsh on him..

"But, our hope for the companion is still here." She said smiling.

"You see, the lightning that struck you gave all of you powers. Us souls have earned it by either inheritance, training, and naturally. I've earned mine by the three. Those who have found theirs by the three could be powerful enough to give a human being powers. And, I have decided to give some of mine to.. Mari Takahashi" She ended. She and Catherine smiled.

"Why won't you give it to Hailey?" And by saying that, both their smiles disappeared as Catherine crossed her hands.

"Ian, for a Mystic Soul like me, I do not trust Hailey. And neither should you. There is something about her... Something about her is different. Her mind is strong, so strong that I can not read through her mind." She said in a serious tone.


"She MAY or MAY NOT pose a threat to anyone but SINCE I hold the decision I have not chosen her. She is way beyond my line of trustees. I feel as if she holds a secret.Hasn't she been acting weird the past days?" She said. Actually, yes. Hailey was being strange.

"I know she has Ian." Evelyna crossed her arms. I sighed

"Alright, fine! She HAS been acting strange. She was emotionless when she answered me last night. And kept staring at me, too." I admitted.

"Yeah, and she doesn't talk much like before." Catherine added.

"Why the hell would you say that?"

" 'Cause shes usually a fucking blabbermouth." Catherine snapped.

"Oh yeah? What happened to RESPECT OUR RELATIONSHIP?!" I yell.

"Disappeared like fucking magic!" She yelled back.

"You know what?! Fuck you! Fuck you! I never wanted you! I never had any of those motherfucking feelings for you! You know why? 'Cause you were a goddamn bitch!" I yelled. Her eyes were teary, like she was going to cry any minute now. What have I done?

"Catherine, Im sorr-"

"You know what?! FINE! You know what I said before? I-I-I never MEANT anything! I-I NEVER EVER L-LOVED YOU! Good riddance you jerk!" She ran outside crying.

"Catherine wait!"


"Ian, what the hell have you done?!" Evelyna said with a mad tone.

"IM SORRY ALRIGHT? IM MESSED UP!" I fell down, curling myself up, crying like a bitch.

"Im getting Catherine. You better apologize." She went outside calling Catherine, who was at the tree, crying.

Why am I like this?! Why does nobody need or even love me? Why the hell am I still alive anyways? Why didn't I get corrupted?

This is all useless. I'm gonna kill myself in a fucking imaginary world.

Hopefully there's a knife around here.

Catherine's POV

"Catherine? Catherine please listen to me." Evelyna said, calming me.

"No... He.. He.... Doesn't care about me. Im a fucking lozer!"

"Bullshit." Evelyna cursed, making me look up at her


"I've read Ian's mind before, and yes, he did have feelings for you. He loved you Catherine. Who knows? He may still love you." Evelyna explained. It made my heart flutter. He loves me.

"He... He LOVES me?" I ask. She nodded

"Well lets go, we have to apologize to him don't we?" She lends her hand for me. I grab it and stand up then walk back to the house.

"Ian?" I said softly. No response.

"Where is he?" I ask, Evelyna's eyes widen.

"Oh no." She mumbled.

"Come quickly!" She grabbed my hand and ran to the bathroom of the small yet larged spaced house.

She opened the door to reveal Ian, who was just about to kill himself with a knife.

"IAN WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?" I shout. Ian don't do this please.

"Im ending my life. No one loves me! It's all goddamn useless." He says calmly.

"No Ian." I start, he looks at me confused.

"I need you. I love you Ian. No matter what. I liked you ever since the day I've met you. And yes, we may have been through a lot of shit" I chuckled a bit, I even heard Ian laugh slightly too.

"But you know what?" I smile. "Through all that pain, that suffering, all that things in life, I still loved you. And I always will." I feel myself crying, so was Ian.

"Without you, the world will never get back to normal. Without you, heck, Kalel and Anthony would have never found my small cruise ship. They would've been dead without you. But look, they're not. Because you were there. And thats why you're important, not only to the world, but to your friends and me." I ended smiling and crying.

Ian dropped the knife and ran up to me and hugged me.

"I love you Catherine. Now and Forevermore." He whispered to me, making me smile more.

Then the craziest thing happened.

We kissed.

•••••••Authors Note Time!••••••••

Omigosh guise, did u see dat? dey kissed.

Blow the trumpet. Idontevenknowanymore..

Whew, Im tired. Meh.

Oh hey guess what? They KISSED! o m o

Im a broken record. Pardon me.

Evelyna: They left me there, standing akwardly. -cries-

Hey yo Evelyna, dun worry, Pip is here for u ;)

Evelyna: No leave me


Weird... Oh well, thats me. You should know that right now.

Alright g'bye my folksees!

Toodles Folks!



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