Chapter 4 - Names?

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Catherine's POV

Here they come! They're only 3.. Now that they're closer, they look familiar..

Meh, I'll ask their names first.

Ian's POV

The girl by the medium sized cruise ship gestured us to 'Halt'. Wow, Im impressed how she could control the ship. I mean, I could do it, so can Anthony.. But, I've never seen a girl do so..

" What are your names if I may ask?"

She said with a sort-of serious tone.

"M-my name is Anthony P-Padilla"

"And I-Im Kalel Cullen."

Anthony and Kalel said after each other.

Well, I guess its my turn.

"Im Ian Hecox", I responded.. Ha, Im pretty sure I heard a giggle. Well thats usually what I hear everytime I say my last name to a stranger.

"H-hey, Is that your dog?", asked Kalel with a smile on her face.

Oh yeah, they also brought their cats along in those bags. They leave a medium sized hole in there for them to breathe.( A.N. What? you say its impossible? NOPE not in this fanfic) You know, I also had my dog here before.. But she ran off...

"Yeah! This is Ruff-Ruff!! Say hi, boy!", the girl replied to Kalel and her dog barked.

"Oh! I almost forgot, I'm Catherine Gigi Brooks. But you can call me Catherine or Cath." She cheerfully said.

"Well, welcome aboard!" She sounded like a kid and we all laughed and went aboard.

Oh shit. Jessi.

"H-hey Im gonna go get something. Be right back.", I said. I gotta go tell Jessi

"Hey Ian? Do you mind me coming along with you?" Catherine asked me. Without hesitation, I said yes.

"Alright, Come on."

" Anthony, Kalel, Ruff watch the ship 'kay?" "Kay!!"Anthony and Kalel responded.

So me and Catherine walked to the bench where Jessi was its a damn 20 minute walk, damnit!

"So... Ian"

"Yes Catherine?"

"What were you goin' to get anyways?"

"Well.. Im going to get my girlfriend.



Its Pish

I have nothing to say



Fallen [on hold]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें