Chapter 9

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Chapter 9


"So what do you wanna talk about?" Jin asked once they had entered the kitchen and sat down.

"I... wanna ask for your advice on something."

"Go ahead." Jin threw one of his legs over the other, waiting for Jimin to start.

"If..." The boy hesitated for a second, not sure how to put this. "If a friend of yours had a secret they never told you about and it would pose quite a threat to you and they might possibly still be waiting to use it on you, but they never did in the past even though they had many chances to, should you trust them not to use it in the future either or... god what the hell is that even? How is anyone supposed to understand what I'm saying." Jimin whined when he realized that he made absolutely no sense while trying to not tell Jin the exact situation.

"You're talking about Taehyung, aren't you?" Jin asked crossing his arms over his chest and leaned back with a sigh.

Jimin's eyes widened. "Wait... you know?" Did Jin actually know or was it just a good guess because he and Tae were friends?

"Yeah I do." Jin nodded. "Just tell me what you know before I say something I'm not supposed to."

"Taehyung has tentacles."

Jin nodded. "How did you find out?"

Jimin felt like this was all a sick joke. Why did Jin, who Taehyung had known for three years, know about this, while he, who grew up with Taehyung, had no idea about it?

"Walked in on him." Jimin stated, his voice devoid of any emotions.

Jin pressed his lips into a thin line. "The boy has grown more careless lately hasn't he?"

Jimin didn't know. That was his problem. Apparently Taehyung had not deemed it necessary to tell him about this huge ass detail about him.

"So... you wanted to ask me for advice." Jin began, placing his hand on Jimin's back and soothingly rubbing it. The boy looked like a mess and Jin understood. He was probably going through a roller-coaster of emotions right now.

"Yeah... and since I guess you know about it too. Can I trust Taehyung? Because... fuck... that guy kept something this huge from me and I don't know what else there might be. Maybe he'll reveal to be a mass rapist tomorrow. I could never know." Jimin stated bitterly.

Jin frowned. "You really think he could do something like that?"

Jimin closed his eyes, looking almost like he was in pain. "I don't know. I thought I knew him but what if I never did? The Taehyung I knew wouldn't do something like that but he also wouldn't keep something like this from me. What else is there that he hasn't told me?"

A soft sigh leaving his lips Jin lent back. "Taehyung was scared of losing you as a friend if he told you. Because you mean more than anything else to him and even I know how much you despise tentacles, even though we don't talk that much usually. Now think about how Taehyung must feel."

Jimin felt something in his chest tighten. How many times had he insulted Taehyung without realizing? And the boy had never once said anything negative. Just kept to himself. Not being able to tell his best friend about something like this.

Jimin should have been the one to support him. Tell him that it was okay. Instead he talked about how much of a monster Taehyung was. To the point where he went to tell someone else about it instead of telling Jimin.

Suddenly Jimin felt guilty. Guilty for being scared of Taehyung for even a second, even though Taehyung had never given him even one reason to doubt him.

Tears made their way to Jimin's eyes. He was a bad best friend. He'd probably hurt Taehyung so fucking much and the boy had always put up with it. Smiled through his pain and never stopped taking care of Jimin. Being sweet.

Jimin was sure if it had been him in Taehyung's place he wouldn't have been this patient. Not that Taehyung would have even used something like a species hated by everyone to vent his anger towards humanity. Jimin wasn't just a shitty friend. He was a shitty person as well.

Taking a deep breath, he got up. "I have to go see him... I have to talk to him." When he was almost by the door he turned around, glancing at Jin. "Thank you."

The older smiled at him. "No problem. I hope you two can talk it out properly. And don't assume Taehyung is different now. He's still the same."

"We will and I'll keep it in mind."

Although Jimin said that, he felt pretty damn anxious when he stood in front of the door of their shared room again. It was almost ten pm and dark outside. Some had already gone asleep. Some were at parties. Overall the dorm was creepily quiet.

Very slowly he lifted his hand and knocked. He never knocked, but right now it felt like it was the right thing to do.

There was no reaction from inside. When he pushed the door open, he came face to face with an empty room. The sheets of Taehyung's bed were still a mess like he'd seen them when he entered the room the first time today. There were some clothes discarded on the floor and carelessly pulled out of the closet.

Taehyung wasn't in the bathroom or toilet either.

Their small room was empty and by the signs of it Taehyung had left in a haze. It didn't take Jimin long to find out that Taehyung's suitcase was missing too. The boy had packed up and left. Jimin wasn't sure where to and for how long.


I love this story so much;---;

I wish I could just upload all chapters at once

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