Not alone

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"Great. Who the hell are you three?"
"I'll be asking the questions. You may be a unknown animal but that doesn't change the fact that you took a woman hostage and cause a large amount of damage to that business" the ox replied
"Before you throw him in jail or something we need to do tests, figure out what species this is, if it's related to any of our species, and start documenting its physical appearances" the feline replied rather calmly.
The wolf was just sipping a coffee while they talked to each other
"So can I just go now?" The human asked
"NO!" The scientist and ox yelled at the same time
The human flinched a bit in surprise as he sank back into his bed. The ox and the feline continued to debate what would happen to the human. The ox wanted him to be arrested for his crimes as he was clearly intelligent enough to know they were crimes. But the feline wanted to keep the human in a reserve and study it over time physically and mentally. Eventually a agreement was reached. The human would live in a reserve but under police supervision. They were struggling to keep the human a secret from the public too.
"Ey boss, you should check this out"
The wolf showed the ox his phone. It was on the news
"A new species of unknown origin has put up quite the display last night, police denied it being a new species and claimed it was an ape, but a video taken by a patron in a convenient store shows a clearly unknown species of mammal barricading the doors and windows of the shop in a standoff, he appears to be wearing a helmet and some unknown gear. Presumably for fighting"
The Ox's eyes widened along with the felines.
"Our jobs just got a lot harder" the ox replied
"Sweet I'm a celebrity" the human sarcastically stated as he looked. "Well. Let's get to work" the feline stated as they started to prepare the human for transport to the reserve.


The crash site was dormant, no one saw the plane when it landed and no one knew the site even existed. Some coughing and gasping was heard from the wreckage. A armored guard survived the crash miraculously. He got to his knees, inspecting himself for wounds. He didn't know how long he was out or where he was. His uniform read the name "garret". Garret looked around and grabbed his rifle which was on his back hanging by its sling. He turned the flashlight on and looked around.
"If I'm going to live I need supplies, no signs of life here..." garret started scavenging for MRE's and water. Garret gathered some ammo and found some grenades, flash and frag. The cargo plane wasn't a civilian plane, it was a military plane. After gathering his gear he checked for any survivors, no bodies, no signs of bodies being removed or anything. He set up camp at the plane, making the cockpit his sleeping area. He fiddled with the airplanes radio and got a signal. It was the news discussing the recent robbery the human committed, describing the new animal as a violent one. He assumed this was still in regular society, one with humans and not animals so he was on alert from here on out. But some lights in the distance caught his eyes. Garret decided to lock and load, he was going to find help...


"Alright. Good news, they don't know that the vehicle we are using contains the human. Bad news... it's ugly" The feline said as they went to the underground parking lot, they went to a old sedan. "Better then nothing." The wolf said as he got in the back with the human as the feline took the driver seat and the ox took the passenger side. The drive was pretty long and awkward, with there being a huge lack of talking as they were cramped in the sedan. The Human just looked out the window, the windows were tinted and hid his appearance perfectly. The wolf played on his phone as the feline drove, and swore heavily to himself in road rage. The Ox was just there, clearly wanting anything else to do.

Zootopia HighSchool
School had just gotten out. And most of the teens left to either their homes or to some nearby stores and cafes. A grey feline decided to leave to his own path for the day. Not wanting to go home or stick around. He began to walk to the city to see what he could do there. He was fifteen so he couldn't do much at all. He had about $20 on him. So he could afford some food and drinks. However as he continued to walk he saw the car the scientist, policemen, and the human were in. But they were waiting in traffic. And the feline looked into the back of the car, squinting until he saw the human. His eyes widened as he saw the human.

"What the actual fuck!?" was his first reply. The human didn't notice he was caught, nor did the others. The human decided to stalk the car as it drove, he would follow it through the crowds "thank god for city traffic, or else it would be out of my sight" he said to himself. He continued to follow it until he saw it turn into a road which led out of the city.

"Shit..." the feline said to himself, he looked at one of those rentable scooters and got a idea, he shoved his twenty dollars into it, and began to follow the car, at a distance of course. This would of course alert the Ox however since he was the chief of police.
"Hey, we got someone following us... wait... is he a kid?" He said surprised. Usually whenever they are followed it's criminals who are at least twenty five.

"If it's a kid let him follow us, when we stop we arrest him" the wolf replied tapping on his phone. The human didn't care really. The feline scientist face palmed "really? This is a kid, I don't think he'll take kindly to us arresting him. I bet he'd start crying for his mom" he said half joking. Eventually the car reached the reserve, of course they went through a security gate. The kid stopped his rented scooter nearby. he decided that instead of going through the front door he'd find a better way. He began to case the building, looking for windows, ladders, vents, anything he could use to get in. Eventually he settled on a window, he slowly opened it, luckily it was unlocked. He then jumped through it. Where the Ox and wolf were waiting.

"Your under arrest" the Ox said as he put the teen in cuffs "h-hey! Please! Don't do this!" The teen yelled in fear of what his mother may do. Not to mention the actual jail time from this. The wolf just shrugged "shouldn't be nosy kid" he said as he stood the feline boy up and put him in a chair, unlocking one cuff and relocking it to the chair. "This is as much of a jail cell we can get right now, so sit tight kid" the wolf said chuckling.

The kid on the other hand was both crying and pissed, changing between whimpering and hissing. It wasn't his best day mentally, and being in this situation would also stress a teen out even more.

The ox looked "we'll interrogate they kid later, for now we need to focus on the creature" he said as he walked out the door, the kid just sinking into his chair as his ears fell.

The human was taken to a small room, it had a bed, book shelf filled with some books, a desk, and a TV. The room led into an adjoining bathroom. The human was virtually under house arrest for the foreseeable future.

"The human walked into the room "is this where I'm going to live?" He asked the scientist.
"Yes, you'll live here at the lab so we can study you and understand more about your species. And also because you broke the law." He said as he flipped through a clipboard "you'll have an hour to yourself, we will come back to run some tests on your blood" he said as he put it down and walked off

Meanwhile the other human, garret. Would slowly walk to a nearby city. He didn't know about the whole animal thing yet, he just trudged through the forests until he reached the outside of the city. He was about to step out of the tree line when he saw the Animals, his reply was one of disbelief and shock. Hell he assumed he was dreaming. He stayed hidden behind the trees, he then tried his radio. No military channels were picked up, but regular radio waves were such as music and news stations.

He would turn the radio off and he sighed. He needed food and water, so he left the tree line and tried to look for some store to get food from. The people around him responded in shock and disbelief too, except soon after they left quickly due to what they saw the last human do. He looked confused as he began to walk, constantly talking into his radio to see if anyone was able to be contacted. Soon he heard sirens. He turns and two police cars arrived, the first had a wolf and panther, and the other had... a small fox and rabbit. He saw the panther draw a taser. Which made him draw his pistol and aim, this wasn't going to end well...

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⏰ Última actualización: Mar 02, 2020 ⏰

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