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The human managed to make some barricades and prepare before the police attempt to arrest him and rescue the hostage he captured.
"road is blocked and armored units are on site. One confirmed hostage and one confirmed insurgent." The radio buzzed on nicks cruiser.
"Any idea how bad this is?" Nick commented while looking at the armored units stationed in front of the store.
"Very bad. There is a hostage and the criminal also happens to be a animal we have no knowledge of ever existing"
"Your surrounded, surrender yourself now or we will use force!" A lion with a vest and helmet said through a megaphone.
"Well shit, I fuck up this raid didn't I?" The human said to himself and the wolf who was still struggling to get free."
"I will not ask again, come out or we will use lethal force!" The lion said.
As he was saying this a group of 8 large animals started to move into position. Four on the front door, and four on the back door.
The human knew that his pistol couldn't penetrate the armor. And his only leverage was one single hostage.
"We warned you!" The lion yelled through the megaphone
At that moment the four animals in the back shot the door unlocked and entered seeking cover.
The animals at the front shot the lock and opened the doors, but couldn't inter due to the human having clear sight of them.
Oh fucking hell. The human said as he stood the hostage up and walked to the wall.
"Any of y'all try anything stupid and I'll shoot her!"
The human yelled with the gun pointed to the four cops who moved in front of him.
"Move to the other side of the room or I will paint the store red!"
The cops did so due to the hostage.
the human then slowly walked to the back door using the hostage as a shield. When he got outside he noticed two extra cops covering the back entrance.
"Drop the fucking guns or else she gets it"
They had no choice but to. Due to the store being in the rainforest district the small parking lot was surrounded with dense brush. The human then shoved the hostage to the ground then ran into the bush. When the cops got their guns and took aim he was hidden.

Human in zootopiaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن