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Quinn's POV

Mallory dropped will and I off at my house and we got ready to go out. I haven't felt this good in a while. For once my life feels put together and I feel like myself. I was ready to have a good night. We got to the house party of one of the baseball players from our school. He invited pretty much everyone that plays sports. Even out of school teams. It was the baseball, hockey, basketball, golf teams from our school plus the city wide hockey and baseball team and everyone had a plus one which is where all the girls came from.

The house was raging right now and only good vibes were flowing. I was about 4 beers deep and all of us guys were sitting outside by the bonfire. I was definitely drunk since I don't normally drink, 4 beers was a lot for me. I took my phone out of my pocket and saw that sid messaged me.

Hey baby what's up
Ohhhh I'm your baby now?
Your always my bby
It's you're* actually. And since when did you start using abbreviations?
Right now babe
Quinn you are being weird
Pft Noooooo
How much did you have to drink?
Who's the dd?
Why did you just call me a dad?!!
Are you pregnant?
Are you cheating on me?!!! Sidney!
I said who's the dd that means designated driver
Oh hahahahahhaha
We don't have one
Okay well keep your phone on you.
When you guys want to get picked up I'll come get you.
Thank you babyyyy 😘😘
Ew don't use emojis
But please be safe

I slid my phone back into my pocket and told the guys that Sidney would pick us up when we were ready.

Trevor and I were standing in the dinning room and I had definitely sobered up at least a little bit. Some guy beside us was looking at Mallory's Instagram and saw sid in one of the pictures. They clicked on her tag and started going through her pictures. "Bro she's so hot" "Yeah I'd hit it"  Trevor noticed I was getting mad. "Hey guys maybe have a little more respect for her. She's a person too" "you are telling me that you wouldn't rail her if she was here right now. Come on an ass like that-" I had had enough. Grabbing the guys shirt with all of my hands and backing him up into the wall. "Don't EVER talk about my girlfriend like that GOT IT? Or any girl ever you pathetic asshole"

"quinn, QUINN" the voice registered in my head and my whole body snapped around seeing Sidney. "Sid I'm-" "we are leaving come on. Get James and Trevor you get josh I'll meet you all in the in the car. We all walked out to the black Ford Explorer and I sat in the passenger seat while the guys sat in the back.

Sidney's POV
The car was much quieter then I thought I was going to be but I guess after what happened it was reasonable. They were all mostly asleep or on their phone except for Quinn. He sat there with his head in his hands while I went through the McDonald's drive through and got them all fries and cheeseburgers. Quinn sat there with with his food in his lap and his hand on his forehead. I could tell he had a headache. Reaching my hand over and grabbing his as we sat there hand in hand while I dropped people off at different places. At last it was Quinn left and I brought him home so he could have a good sleep instead of trying to fit us both in my dorm room without waking mallory up.

I pulled into the drive way and Quinn didn't get out of the car. He sat there starring at the door when I opened the door to the house. Still sitting there I walked back to the car and opened his door. "I'm not mad" I said making him look at me. "You're not?" "I'm upset not mad. I'm thankful that you stood up for me but I'm upset that you pushed him against a wall and everyone stood there watching you. Someone probably recorded that and what happens if your couch sees that?" "I wasn't really think that far" "you weren't really thinking at all" he went slient. "Let's get you inside." after our little talk he got out of the car and walked inside and down to his room changing out of his clothes. putting some comfy clothes on while I got his water and Advil. When I walked into his room he was already laying in his bed. "Will you sleep here with me?" He asked me. "Yeah let me just go lock the front door and grab my stuff from upstairs" I did just as I told him and by time I got back he was already asleep. I crawled into bed and tried to fall asleep beside him which almost happened until his phone started blowing it.

Congrats bro
First round! Good job bud
Buddy you're really going to leave me huh. Have fun in Vancouver that's probably where you are going
Congrats on top 10
Congrats on projected top ten but remember Sidney has feelings too. Make sure you keep her in the loop because she hasn't been playing much attention to the draft so far.

After reading the messages flowing in off his home screen I turned his phone on do not disturb and tried to fall asleep again with the harsh image of Quinn leaving stuck in my head.

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