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It was about that time where everyone was leaving so they got home before they were to tired to drive. I had bid my goodbyes and returned to the kitchen alone to start the dishes. "Sidney on my goodness stop. What are you doing" Ellen practically yelled at me. "I'm just trying to help" I turned to look at her with my soapy hands hanging over the sink. After realizing that I wasn't going to give up on doing the dishes Ellen joined me while sparking a few interesting topics of discussions. "Sorry about jims sister. She's very nosy. But I also want you to know that no matter how close or far apart you and Quinn get, not matter what and I really mean no matter what, you are part of the family and you can always come to Jim and I if you need anything at all" "thank you Ellen it means a lot really" I gave her a side hug while trying to not make her clothes wet from my soapy hands. "So what up with you and Quinn?" I turned around checking if anyone else was in the room before answering. "Well what has Quinn told you?" "Nothing really. He said he had a good time when we went out of town but when we all got back you guys were a little distant. he got back from your dorm last night and couldn't stop smiling. We thought maybe he had finally gotten the courage to ask you out on a proper date" "no he never asked me on a date. We just watched a movie and ate ice cream. I was hesitant to talk to him once we got back because I didn't know if he still wanted to play it off as if we were dating or if he was done with me. I was even hesitant around him tonight because he didn't tell me if we had to play it up at dinner, if he was going to call me just a friend or his girlfriend, if he was going to show affection? It's just confusing" I honestly told her as i scrubbed mash potatoes off the plate. "Honey it seems like you are both very confused about your situation. You need to tell Quinn to be more vocal because you are not a mind reader and then maybe that will get the conversation rolling" Ellen suggests.

We finished up the dishes and I packed up my stuff ready to leave. "Well thank you for having me over for dinner" I told jim as he watched the hockey highlights in the living room. I said goodbye to jack and Luke. I walked to the front door, opening it when a voice stopped me. "No goodbye for me?" Quinn asked making me turn on my heels. "I figured you already went to bed since it's late." I said yawning.  "Yeah I'm about to go down and you are coming with. It's to late to drive and I know you are tired" he said reading my mind. "I'll be fine Quinn" "do you have class in the morning" "...no" "perfect than you are staying" he said closing the front door. "Everyone Sidney is staying the night" he yelled out for everyone to hear. "Now you have to stay. I didn't yell for no reason" he said smirking. I followed behind Quinn as he brought me to his room. He gave me  one of his shirts and a pair of Ellen's lulu lemon shorts to wear to bed. He left and let me get changed while he said goodnight to his family. When he returned I was already snuggled up into the blankets as I scrolled through my phone. I sat up so I could put my hair into a bun and Quinn got into bed too. I turned so I was facing him as I laid down and shifted closer to him but still kept my distance. "I don't bite you know" he said pulling me closer. I laid my head on his chest and our legs intertwined. We both browsed our phones until I got bored and decided to sleep.

An hour went by and I thought Quinn was asleep until the faint words "you can't sleep either" came out of his mouth. "No" it went back to silence before I started talking. "Your mom and I had an interesting conversation while cleaning. You sure do talk a lot about me mr.hughes" "she told you that?" I could feel his heart beat pick up in pace. "Quinn calm down. You heart starting pumping out of your chest. But yes she told me that. She also told me to tell you that I'm not a mind reader so you have to explain your feelings to me" "wow you really did have an interesting conversation" he said making me laugh. "Yeah we did" their was a slight pause and he sighed. "You want me to express my feelings. Okay here we go... Sidney I have had my eye on you (in the least creepy way possible) since you started tutoring Luke. i had a crush on you the first year but gave up soon after. You were and still are so beautiful but I never had the guts to talk to you. Everyone knew about my little crush on you. Everyone but you knew. I realized that you were to good for me so I threw out the idea of dating you and decided to be your friend if we ever got to know each other. That was until i saw you again at the hockey game. I promise you Everything that happen that night of the party with Caroline was completely real. When we went away for the tournament I had so much fun spending time with you and I thought that dating you might be a possibility because you were being so nice and then I realized again that it was all fake and that we were acting. So I went rouge when we got back because I didn't think you actually wanted to be with me or to even wanted to be my friend. When I saw you while bring you ice cream It was forsure that  I have feelings for you."

"You had a crush on me this whole time I've know you and I never found out?" "that's all you have to say? Not an I like you too or even an I'm sorry but I don't like you I'm going home?" You could hear the worry in his voice. He didn't know how to feel because I left him hanging. Just a little bit of his own medicine.

"I remember the exact day. I remember it like it was yesterday. I stepped foot in that elevator leaving to go get you and Luke breakfast when the door stopped on another floor and in walked the devil herself. She knew we were here together and she started shit talking you. I got defensive and started to get mad at her. She asked me why I cared about what she was saying if I didn't even like you so I told her. "I love him" now love was an over statement at that point but I think it's slowly coming true. That was the day I fully admitted to my self that I Sidney have feelings for you quintin"

His heart beat picked up again and I gave a slight chuckle. "Your heart beat is going fast again" I whispered while moving my hand onto his chest. "Well how fast would your heartbeat be going if the guy you've been into but you didn't have the ball to talk to said he likes you back?" he asked. I pulled my arm back from laying on Quinn's chest and I tap on the screen on my Apple Watch, checking my heart monitor to see that my heart was beating at 102bpm which was very high. "That's how fast it would beat" "So what does this mean? What do we mean? What are we?" i asked."Well for right now I'm going to go to bed and sleep on it. We can talk about it in the morning" he said closing his eyes and falling deeper into the bed. "Quinn for real. You're not going to ask me to be with you or go on a date with you? You ruined the moment" I said before turning so my back was facing him. "Hey, when the time is right and I'll know when it's right I will ask you. But I want it to be perfect because you deserve it to be perfect. So sleep tight and we will talk in the morning" he said now spooning me.

With a quick kiss on the cheek from Quinn and us cuddling I was out like a light.

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