Euphoric Illusions

Start from the beginning

"You know, I can have you executed for simply saying that," he replied instead, voice dripping with amusement.

"Oh, I know you'd never do that to me," I also repeated his words from earlier, doing a fake deep foreign accent for effect.

He chuckled, glancing back up at me, "So what is it?"

I paused, unable to believe what I was about to admit, "Pink?"

He furrowed his brows, "Why did that seem like more of a question?"

"I don't know," I shrugged, "I didn't realize it until now."

"That was the last color I expected you to say," Livius admitted.

"It's a nice color!" I exclaimed, "I feel like people only dislike it because of all the gender stereotypes that surround it."

He thought for a moment, before nodding in understanding, "That makes sense."

"Alright, my turn," he shifted onto his elbow once again as though to get a better look at me, "What do you fear?"

I stiffened at the question, my gaze drifting to the large body of water, and then back to his crystal blue eyes, "You go first," I said instead.

He narrowed his eyes, "Unfortunately that's not how it works, ma reine."

I pouted, silently pleading with him to go first, and he sighed, giving in.

Livius paused for a moment, as though he was thinking over his words, before he began talking, "Ever since I became King, I've feared nothing, Alexandria. No one has ever dared to question me, and if anyone did, they most likely had a death wish," he chuckled, his eyes briefly closing, before opening again and gazing up at the clouds.

"But for some reason, ever since I met a certain she-wolf, the unfamiliar feeling of fear just comes and goes," he said, glancing over at me, "Nothing frightens my wolf and I more than the thought of losing you, my queen. Even the thought of you getting hurt pains me. After what happened with you and Zander, all I've wanted to do is keep you around me. I don't ever want to see those tears again," Livius murmured, fully sitting up so that he towered over me.

I blinked up at him, my eyes brimming with adoration, "I'm not going anywhere, Alpha," I whispered, my voice reassuring.

"Mrs. Valentina used to compare me to a leech," I laughed, my head leaning against his shoulder, "You can't get rid of me that easily."

I let out a shocked gasp when Livius slid one muscular arm around my waist and tugged me onto his lap, my head resting on his broad chest as his arms tightened around me almost protectively, "Your turn," he told me, his velvety voice enough to make me melt in his arms.

"Do I have to?" I whined, my hand coming up to rest on his chest.

"You're cute if you think I'll let you get out of this one after you made me go first."

"I didn't make you go first," I huffed, staring down at my hands.

He snorted, "Yea, because anyone could deny those puppy dog eyes of yours."

When I didn't speak up again, he gave me a gentle nudge, "Go on, moon, tell me."

I inhaled deeply, not enjoying having to share this part of me with anyone, regardless of how close I was to said person, "Water."

He furrowed his brows in confusion, "Water?"

I nodded, "Yes, water."

He stiffened, his eyes widening in realization, "Is that why you paled at the sight of that lake earlier?"

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