chapter 6 | learning lessons (SMUT)

Start from the beginning

"You were the only one who understood my bond with him. You saw it. You lived it with me. You weren't replying to me. So I saw on everyone snaps about this party. I needed to hear tour voice again." She went on.

"Nick died? How? I'm- im so sorry Hailey."

"He was hit by a drunk driver on his way home from work." She started to cry.

I sat down next to her and hugged her. I cried too. We just sat there for a few minutes in silence.

"I miss you" she mumbled.

I paused.

"Hailey this isn't fair." I whispered.

"You know I'm going through something right now with Billie. I'm weak. I can't do it. I think you need to leave." I said getting up standing in front of her.

"Please don't do this Y/N" she looked at me biting her lip.

She stood up and met my eyes. She took a step closer to me and kissed me quick.

"Just tell me to stop if you want me to stop" she whisper as she placed a hand on my cheek. She leaned in to kiss me again.

"STOP!" Billie yelled.

I jumped being startled, but didn't look at her.

"Are you joking right now Y/N? You think you're gonna get even by bringing your ex into OUR hotel room and fuck?" She said sloppily.

Clearly Billie was still a little drunk. I didn't want to deal with this right now.

"Who said we were fucking? Who said I was getting even? Who said I'm the one who brought my ex into this?" I said sternly, not looking at Billie.

"And maybe you would know the truth if you didn't fucking go off and whore around with Zoe." I said finally making eye contact with her.

The room was silent.

"That's what I thought Billie." I said making sure she knew I was disappointed with her.

"Hailey. It was nice catching up with you, and again I'm really sorry about Nick passing away. For now I need time to think about my life. Excuse me, but I think it's best to end the night here." I said as calmly as I could.

"Thanks Y/N I hope to hear from you in the future." She slightly gave me a smile and walked out.

"I'm not going to explain myself to you because I know I didn't hurt somebody I deeply love and care for." I said not looking at Billie as tears started to fill my eyes.

"I-" Billie started but paused.

"Although, I'm sure it's easier to hurt somebody you don't love than someone you do. You should know. But it-"

"Y/N i-" Billie started to say as tears stream down her face.

"Wait a minute, let me finish. I know you don't care. But, can you listen? I came into this committed, but I guess I over did it." I looked at her in her eyes.

"I did the best I could." I said walking towards the hotel room door.

"Y/N seriously I can't even put into words how much I care and how sorry I am. I was drunk. Fuck I still am a little I guess. And you know what? You're right that you are so committed to us. You do everything in your power to make us work and to make me happy. But where you were wrong is when you said I don't love you. There is no other person in this world that I could love like the way I love you." She said.

"Not even Zoe?" I whispered.

"That was out of wrong intentions. She told me she saw you grab Dani's butt and kiss her. So I got angry and jealous. I downed a bunch of alcohol and wanted to make you realize how I felt." She said looking down, not being able to make eye contact with me.

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