"You're saying I wanted to be tricked."

"You always want to be the person who sees the best in people," Charlotte told him. "I worked for the police for several years and worked with Oliver to stop the criminals in Starling City. All I can see is the flaws, the lies, the dark thoughts that people think I don't see. I wish I could be you." Charlotte looked down at their intertwined hands as she took a deep breath.

"As fast as you are, that is your real power. Don't let Wells take that from you. I don't know why he's helping us, but all that matters is that he is." Barry swallowed thickly as tears streamed down his face, breaking Charlotte's heart.

"I can't lose my dad, Charlotte." Barry broke down as she wrapped both her arms around him in an embrace that helped calm him down a little.

"You're not going to lose your dad, Barry, because you're going to be there to protect him like you've done to so many people," she whispered into his hair. She kissed the top of his head before standing up. She reached her hand down which Barry grasped. He wiped away his tears before the two walked up to the Cortex together.

"Anything?" Barry asked Cisco as he and Charlotte walked into the room.

"I'm scanning all the traffic cams in the city. I got nothing." Joe's phone started buzzing, and he fished it out of his pocket.

"Hey, baby. Iris?" Joe gave everyone a worried look as he put his phone on speaker so that everyone could hear.

"How many of you feel the Trimethylene 32 coursing through your veins, hmm?" they heard a voice say through the speaker.

"That's him," announced Barry. "That's Jesse."

"Cisco, can you ping her phone?" Joe asked, pointing his finger in the younger man's direction.

"I'm on it."

"Trimethylmercury 32 is a relatively fast-acting poison," Caitlin informed everyone.

"Is there a cure?" Charlotte asked, leaning closer to Caitlin's perfume.

"Yes. We can start synthesizing the antidote right now," Dr. Wells said, nodding his head at Caitlin. 

"Cisco, where is she?" Joe demanded. Charlotte understood why he was being very pushy. His daughter's life was on the line. She knew that if she could ever have a child and they were in danger, she'd do anything and everything in her power to help save them.

"City hall," he announced.

"The mayor's having a fundraiser there tonight," Charlotte recalled. She remembered that someone on the mayor's campaign team wanted her to be there so that he could have the luxury and privilege of having a Queen at his fundraiser.

"Barry, do not underestimate The Trickster," Dr. Wells rushed out. Charlotte quickly yelled at Barry to be careful as he ran out of the Cortex, taking his suit with him. Barry arrived at the City Hall and slammed the Trickster into the wall, demanding for Henry Allen.

As the older man distracted Barry, Axel Walker attached a kinetic bomb to Barry's wrist. Jesse explained how the bomb would explode if he went any slower than six hundred miles-per-hour, the bomb would explode. Walker turned it on, and Barry sped out of the City Hall.

Barry shouted out Cisco's name as the team was watching his computer screen. The suit scanner had detected something on the wrist, which just so happened to be the bomb.

"He wasn't lying. That thing's linked to a speedometer," informed Cisco, "and it will blow if you stop moving."

"Well, I can't run forever," he argued, already becoming fatigued from running as such a high speed. 

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