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"Barry, what are you talking about?"


Chapter 34; Rogue Time

Charlotte rolled her eyes at Cisco as they walked back from getting slushies. He kept complaining about how it was his brother Dante's birthday party that day, and he really didn't want to go. He kept talking about it even when they reached S.T.A.R. Labs.

"And I really don't wanna go," he told her and Caitlin as the elevator door opened.

"He's your brother, Cisco," Charlotte said before taking a sip of her slushie.

"Not by choice," he reminded the blonde, as Caitlin stepped out of the elevator.

"Okay, well, how bad can a birthday party be?" the brunette asked.

"Um, my folks think Dante's stink don't stink. Doesn't matter how much he screws up, or how many times he gets into trouble. In their eyes, he can do no wrong. And yet, they never fail to remind me that I can do no right." Caitlin stepped in front of the other two, stopping them both in their tracks.

"What if Charlie and I came with you?" Caitlin suggested.

"What?" the other two said at the same time.

"Seriously?" Cisco asked in a tone that showed that he didn't think Caitlin was serious.

"Caitlin -" Charlotte started but was cut off by Caitlin.

"Absolutely," she grinned. "You've done much for us. Let us be there for you for a change."

"Cait, I don't want to go," the blonde said, crossing her arms. She apologized to Cisco who looked upset that one of his best friends didn't want to go with him.

"Come on, Charles," Caitlin pleaded, earning a disgusted look from Charlotte because of the nickname she used. "We could look at old family photo albums and see what little Cisco looks like without long hair," she suggested, earning a grin from Charlotte.

"I'm in."

"I'm rescinding your invites," he deadpanned, walking away from the two. The two females followed him into the Cortex with small, cheeky smiles on their faces before seeing the others' faces.

A few minutes had passed before Barry and Joe walked into the room. Barry's face lit up when he saw Charlotte and rushed over to her before remembering that he had travelled back in time. He stopped moving towards her as she furrowed her eyebrows at him. She was very confused with how he was acting, especially towards her.

"You seem excited to see her," Cisco grinned cheekily, glancing between the two of them. Barry gave a sheepish smile as Charlotte glared at Cisco.

"So Clyde Mardon has a brother?" Caitlin asked, looking away from the screen that had his record pulled up. After the exchange between Barry and Charlotte, Joe had explained what happened at the morgue.

"And both brothers survived the plane crash," Dr. Wells said, "and then the dark matter released from the particle accelerator explosion affects them both in -"

"- virtually the same way," Barry finished with him earning strange looks from everybody.

"That's right." Dr. Wells turned to face Barry with a suspicious look.

"Only Mark isn't like Clyde at all," Barry continued, not phased by any of the glances he was receiving from the rest of the team. "He can do things that you can't even imagine."

"You mean he's sort of like a -" Cisco started before Barry finished with him.

"- Weather Wizard?" Cisco furrowed his eyebrows at the speedster as he took a large sip from his frozen drink. He grunted after he pulled the drink away from his mouth.

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