A Frightening Night

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~~Your Perspective~~

I walked around the halls of Fazbears Fright, wondering why I was still here, I was supposed to be free, or...was something keeping me here? While I was walking around thinking three people walked inside this place of horrors.

"Are you sure about this Mike? The other locations were fine, but this, this is just terrifying," I heard a high pitched male voice say, unmistakenly Jeremy.

"I'm positive, stop being a wimp," A deep voice said, and I already know that's Mike.

"It makes sense that you feel terrified here, this IS an horror attraction," Said a voice that I didn't reconize, must be the owner, as I listened I heard their voices getting louder, meaning they were getting closer, me, not wanting to get seen, ran away.

"D-did you guys see that!?" I heard Jeremy yell panicked, probably seeing my shadow or something.

"No, Jeremy, we did not see anything" Said Mike, probably getting annoyed at this point. I continue walking away from the three, and stop when I see my (f/a) suit, all ripped apart, it looked like someone tried to put me back to gether and posed me to look like I was peeking out of the door, in my opinion they were trying way too hard with this one, I was also missing the bottom half of my suit. I guess it could be scary if you are very paranoid or weren't expecting it. Before I knew it the third guy left and Mike and Jeremy were in the office talking to one another, the 12 AM bell rang.

'Let the hell begin' I thought before I run off to see if the others are still here.

~~Time Skip~~

"Hello," I heard a voice say, it sounded like Balloon Boy! I ran in the direction of the noise only to see no one there besides a rotten yellow bunny suit, the suit seemed to notice that they weren't alone.

"Hello? Who's there? Show yourself!" He demanded, assuming they're a male based on their voice. I slowly came out after realizing that he's not going to leave until he knows who is with him.

"Oh, it's just you..." He says, a little annoyed, confused, I walk away from him and look for the night guards, once I find them I see Jeremy checking the cameras and Mike fixing the ventilation system. I stare at them through the front window, waiting, finally Jeremy put down the camera and screamed after seeing me, shortly after hearing Jeremy scream the ventilation system was rebooted and Mike went to see why Jeremy screamed, after seeing me he groaned.

"This thing is still here?" He said, clearly annoyed, after hearing him call me a 'thing' instead of (a/n) I ran fast toward the door and jumpscared them, scaring both of them enough to make them scream, since im only a phantom animatronic it didn't kill them, only made all their systems go wild, Mike cursed under his breath and went to reboot them all, this gave the rotten bunny suit the chance to attack them, Jeremy looked at the door and screamed, right at the door was the rotten bunny suit...

~6 Am~

When the bell for 6 Am rang, the bunny suit disappeared and so did I, before I disappeared I saw Jeremy and Mike running out of the door, clearly scared.

~I'm sorry this is a short chapter, I just wanted to publish some sort of chapter. I'll try to post more soon

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