Dangerous Fright

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~~Your Perspective~~
     After a day of people coming in and screaming at you and your friends, it was finally 12AM.
Mike and Jeremy opened the front door, closed it and then locked it, I could hear them talking and looking through the cameras.

"Did you hear about (a/n)?" I heard Jeremy ask Mike

"No, what about it?" Mike answered, I hear Jeremy stop going through the cameras

"They found the skeleton of a child in (y/g), they said it was most likely the missing bodies of those murdered kids," Jeremy replied, I hear Mike spit something on the floor, most likely coffee

"So you mean that we have been trying to protect our selves from dead children all this time!?" I hear Mike basically yell

"It's a possibility." Jeremy answers before going back on the cameras and telling Mike that he can't find Springtrap.

 I start to look for Springtrap and find him at the entrance of the vent, I quickly crawl from the ceiling to the office and screech while flinging myself at the vent and then disappear, I hear Jeremy and Mike scream.

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT ABOUT!?" Mike yelled, Jeremy looked at the vent cameras and screamed.

"WHAT? What happened Jeremy!? Did that fucker, (a/n) hurt you!?" Mike yelled again

"No, no, it's just I think (a/n) just saved us...Look" I hear Jeremy explain.

"....What? (a/n) saved us...?" Mike says, surprised. "But why would they do that? I've been nothing but terrible to them...Maybe they are just a kid trapped in a suit..."

I smile to myself and turn away only to come face to face with an angry Springtrap, he grabbed by my throat and threw me into a wall, I coughed and propped myself on my rusted arms.

"Why did you help them!?" He screeched as he picked me up from my neck.

"I-i'm sorry! I-it was an accident! I swear!" I say in complete fear.

"Why is it I don't believe you?" He asks, knowing I didn't have an answer, me being the oh so smart person I am, stay silent. Springtrap grabs me by the neck and brings me to a room that us phantoms know very well, we call it the 'A Phantoms Doom', it's a room where phantoms get punished by Springtrap himself.

"N-no! Please, I'm sorry!" I yell, I have been in this room so many times that I lost count, that's the main reason that I don't really interact with Springtrap much, scared I'll do something wrong.

"Should've thought about that before you decided to betray me" Springtrap says, he slams me onto a table and straps me down, he grabs my jaw and rips it off, I scream in pain and cry oil. He laughs and grabs an axe from a nearby box and walks over to me only to, without warning, chops my whole left part of my face off and pulled my right eye out, so now I can't see, can't walk, and pretty much can't do anything.

"That should stop you from doing anything ," Springtrap says, I pretend to be deactivated.

"Oh, I guess I went too far, oh well, one less problem for me," He replies, I feel something be wrapped around my neck and being dragged away from the room, I hear from my one ear another phantom scare Jeremy and Mike. I feel myself being placed down on another table or hopefully a desk...? I hear Springtrap run away and feel a lot safer.

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