Kitchen Escapades

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I wonder if it's like this everyday.

"What are you all doing?" I heard a familiar voice bark frustratedly from one of the stoves, the man who spilled the onions immediately crouching down to recollect them and start over. "What have I told you all about getting distracted? This is not the time for you all to take a break, I've already told you the new recipe! The Queen will be eating this food. I don't have time for any incompetence," Elijah growled, his anxiety practically seeping into his voice as he reprimanded them.

Livius arched an amused brow at the silence, Elijah the only person yelling while everyone blinked up at my mate and I with wide, disbelieving eyes, before turning back to the still talking chef who had yet to glance up at us, "You all know how important this is. This behavior is unacceptable. Everyday one of you has to screw up. I know you all can't be perfect but shit, it shouldn't be this..." 

Elijah looked up, his mind finally acknowledging the abnormal silence, and I smirked as he met my gaze, nothing but genuine amusement dancing in my eyes.

The wolf inhaled a breath, his eyes briefly closing as though he was wishing this was all just a horrible nightmare. He opened them again, and spoke up, "Forgive me, my king, my queen," he bowed to both of us, "I was speaking out of line."

I smiled at him reassuringly before turning back to Livius, "Thank you for bringing me," I murmured, watching as his face cracked into a grin.

"Anytime, my love," he replied, voice brimming with love and adoration as he leaned forward and pressed a tender kiss to my forehead.

"Call me if you need anything, I'll be in my office," he told me, and I nodded.

Giving my hand one last gentle squeeze, Livius pulled away, and stalked out of the room, the doors shutting behind him.

Ripping my gaze away from the door, I slowly turned back to the kitchen staff, "Good morning, Elijah," I beamed up at him, taking in his tired hazel eyes, stiff shoulders, the anxious shifting of his hands, and the brown locks which he'd so elegantly tied up into a ponytail.

"Uh, g-good morning, your majesty," he responded, his head bowed.

My gaze slid over the wolves that had all paused at the sight of me, silently urging them to relax.

God, these guys needed a break.

"Is it like this everyday?" I asked curiously, and one of the wolves silently nodded, the others slowly joining him.

"Cooking for the entire pack isn't easy, my lady," a wolf spoke up, his voice laced with a thick british accent.

I eyed them curiously, "Do you ever take a break?" I asked worriedly.

Elijah chuckled, "Does the pack ever go hungry?" he mumbled in response.

I frowned at his words, causing him to clear his throat, "You needn't worry though, your majesty, we work in shifts so I suppose that counts."

"What about you?" I inquired, cocking my head.

He shrugged, "I'm the head chef," was all he said.

I mutely nodded whilst grabbing the hair tie around my wrist, and tying my hair up just like his.

Elijah immediately gaped in shock, "Your highness, what are you-"

"I'm helping of course," I responded, cutting him off while swiftly shrugging on a clean white coat from the shelf. It was clearly meant for one of the male wolves, as it was a little oversized, but I could work with it.

"Queen Alexandria, please, you don't have to do this," Elijah argued, not wanting me to busy myself with helping.

"I want to," I simply said, my eyes never leaving his, "besides, you all need an extra hand."

His Little FaeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin