Possessed by the Ex. 💫O3💫

Start from the beginning

I sighed and tugged on my goatee. Finna give a nigga grey hairs...




We were getting ready to leave. AJ got the part, not that he cared tho, he was getting restless and just needed to take his nap.

"August can you help me with this damn bag? Damn it." Alison asked in frustration as she bounced AJ on her hip.

AJ fidgeted until Alison put him down on the floor to clumsily walk. Alison slightly ran after him as he ran into another woman.

"Hey there baby. Aren't you just the cutest, yes you are!"

Y/N. She cooed as she gently held AJ in her arms.

"Y/N." Alison said as a fake smile crept up on her face.

Y/N awkwardly put AJ down and he continued crawling around.

"Alison, hi," She replied back. "You look good, gosh he's so big." She admired lil man, who was busy biting on his toy.

"I know. Come say hi, baby." She looked back at me as I walked closer.

"Y/N, hi." I said, as neutral as possible.

"Hi August." She awkwardly nodded.

There was an awkward silence as she looked around the building. Mamas looked thick. Don't get me wrong, she had always been thick but this was happy thick, eating good thick.

Alison smacked my chest after noticing the way I was looking at Y/N

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Alison smacked my chest after noticing the way I was looking at Y/N.

"So, Y/N, what are you doing here? This is a kids audition, I don't see no kid." Alison shadily asked.

She smiled.

"Uhm, I own this building so I had to come check out what was happening today."

"Wow... a lot can change in a year," Alison stated. "This is my son, but I think you already know that, AJ, Aug-"

"August Junior. I'm aware." She replied back.

"You look great by the way. Congrats on the building."

"Thanks, I appreciate-"

"Hey baby, you ready to go? Sorry I took so long, I got caught up with Yvette, you know how much she talks." He said as they shared a moment.

I cleared my throat as the man holding Y/N looked at us

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I cleared my throat as the man holding Y/N looked at us.

"Oh, wassup man, I'm Trai." He said as he dapped me and shook Alison's hand.

I noticed the big ass rock on Y/N's finger. Jealousy instantly took over me.

"You ready to go?" Trai asked Y/N.

"You know Y/N, you look a little... chubby."

Y/N's cheeks turned a light shade of pink.

"I can't believe you noticed, I'm actually 4 months pregnant. We were on our way to the doctor."

Man, she was so happy. Don't get me wrong, it made me happy to know there was someone who could treat her better than I did but it seriously messed me up to know that I wasn't the one doing that no more.

She had this natural glow, she was at peace with everything and... I regretted everything.

I lost a good one.

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