I Know About It All - C.B

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My baby is finally coming back from tour today and I'm fetching him from the airport. He was gone for two months now and I've missed him. I made his favorite dinner just to celebrate and show how much I missed him.





I got to the waiting area here at the airport and waited for about 20 minutes. I then noticed a tall, handsome body in sweats and a tee and I knew it was my baby.

"Chris!" I shouted as I ran to him.

He dropped his bag, took me in his arms and spun me around. I missed his touch. His smell. Him.

"Babe! I missed you so much!" he said before we shared a kiss. A deep kiss of course. I took his duffel bag as he rolled his suitcase and we went to my white G-Wagon. I drove because he was too tired.

We made it to our house and our butler, Michael, took his bags as I had his eyes covered with a blindfold. I led him upstairs where I had a bubble bath running and some champagne.

"Come on babe, I wanna see now." he said with a smile.

I slowly took the blindfold off and his smile grew wider. He pecked my lips as I took his shirt off.

"You're joining me, right?" he said with a smirk.

"Uh-uh. I still have to prepare your other surprise." I replied before heading to the door but he grabbed my arm.

"That can wait. Two months of not seeing your man and you still wanna stay away from me?" he pouted.

Arg, I hate it when he does this. Now I can't get my work done.

"Fine." I said with a smile.


After the 1 hour bath, we finally got out and dressed in comfortable clothes. I had his eyes covered with the blindfold again and we got to the dining room. Everything was set and the room had a romantic vibe. Champagne, roses, red velvet cake and more. I just knew he'd love it. I took the blindfold off and he scanned the room in awe.

"Babe... you did all of this?"" he asked, with his hands on my waist.

"Yes, now let's eat." I replied with a smile.

We sat down and started catching up. It was like he never left.

"So, how was London?" I asked softly. I could see him get a little tense and uneasy. It took a moment for him to reply.

"Uh... uh, it was... great. Lots of love from the fans." he replied, avoiding eye contact.

"Are... you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm cool baby. I gotta go use the bathroom. Excuse me." he said before quickly walking away.

Okay... I thought to myself. His phone suddenly started vibrating multiple times. Normally, I don't check Chris's phone because I trust him but this seemed to be important so...


Hey babe... You've only been gone for a day but I miss you already. Never had anyone give it to me like you did ;) You were so good. Jhené.

I felt so disappointed and sad. How could he do this? I felt tears well up in my eyes but I didn't let them fall. Chris finally came back and still acted as if he was innocent.

"So as I was saying... London was great, the people, the food. Everything." he said.

"Mmm," was the only thing I managed to get out.

"You good babe?" he asked while sipping his water.

"No, but Jhené thinks you are! How could you Chris?!" I stood up from the table as the tears streamed down my face.

"Baby... let me expl-"

"Explain what! Sleeping with another woman?!" I snapped.

"Babe, I swear it ain't like that. I was lonely and-"

"I was lonely too Christopher. But did I let a single person touch me? NO! I can't believe you! You were even acting innocent while I was being loyal to your ass!"

I stood up from the table but he grabbed my arm, causing me to wince in pain.

"Let me go Christopher."

"Y/F/N you're not gonna leave this damn place until we finish talking." He said as tears ran down my cheeks.

"What is there to talk about Chris... you've never done this before. Why now? Huh?!" I snapped.

"Y/N, you know I'd never, ever hurt you baby. What I did was a mistake and I wanna fix it. Just tell me how...Please?"

It took a moment for me to reply.

"NO! I'M DONE, I'M FUCKING DONE!" I snatched my arm away from him and walked to our room and locked the door.

"So that's it? Just like that? Y/N I love you!"

Chris POV

Damn, a nigga done messed up forreal. I've never seen her like this and it broke me knowing that I was the reason for it. I walked up the stairs and pleaded on our bedroom door but she didn't reply. All I heard were little sniffles and sobs.

"Go away Maurice!" She snapped at me.

I don't blame her because I honestly have no logical explanation for this.

Next morning...


I hardly slept a wink thinking about this Jhené woman. If Chris can do this once, he can probably do it a million more times. I got up, went to the bathroom and did my hygiene thing. I wore some jeans and a black t-shirt with my velvet strap heels. I packed my bags and opened the door. I heard a deep groan and looked down to see Chris on the floor. He slept here the whole night.

Part of me wanted to forgive him and hug him but I'm done.

"Please get up, you look stupid." I said and he yawned before standing up.

"Babe, baby... where you going? Y/N!" He followed after me.

"I don't wanna be in your way. If I'm the reason why your niggas say you're 'whipped' then I'll set you free." I said and he grabbed my bag and put it down.

"I'm not 'whipped'. You just taught me how to be a real man. Baby, you changed me. With you here, I'm able to maintain myself, I've never went back to my old ways. You've been holding me down since day 1. I love you Y/N and I'm sorry. Forgive me?" He ended his little speech with a puppy face.

He knows I can't handle this.

"Alright baby. Just tell me you'll never do it again?"

"I swear on Michael Jackson." He said and I laughed.

He pulled me into a hug and I smelled all his cologne. I love this man.

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