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"So we are off on our honeymoon for a week. That means you all have to get yourselves up in the morning and on the bus. If there is an issue call one of us or go to the neighbors." My dad told us as he packed up his car with luggage. "James, I am trusting you with a credit card hooked up to my bank account, the card is for grocery shopping or emergencies. That's all. The grocery store is in biking distance, you can fit one bag in your basket so you can shop for groceries everyday like they do in Switzerland." my dad added with a smile. "Try not to kill each other or set the house on fire and don't invite people over, love you all." 'Mom' said as dad handed me a credit card and they pulled out of the driveway.

" I can't cook." Jason told us. "Well neither can I! Remember when I tried to make waffles?!" Cooper exclaimed. "Yeah dude stay away from kitchens." Jason agreed as they looked to me. "I can cook." I told them with a sigh. It's gonna be a long week.

Sunday dragged on and after dinner ( Mac-n-cheese with frozen sausage) the twins turned on the tv. "What are you guys watching?" I asked. "Why'd you shoot me in the balls?" Jason countered. "Cause you guys didn't leave my room and I only got 5 hours of sleep the night before that so I was crabby." I answered as I grabbed a blanket from the closet. Apparently they were watching Doctor Who. "You guys like this show too? It's my favorite, what doctor is your favorite?!" I yelled as I bounced up and down. " I like the 10th doctor and he likes the 11th." Cooper said. "uh-huh." Jason agreed. "Coolio I love the 9th doctor." I stated. After I sat down on the end of the couch next to Jason a commercial came on. "Man I hate commercials." Yelled Jason. "well no one likes them." I said with a yawn. "It's only 9:00 how are you tired. " Cooper complained "Like I said, 5 hours of sleep two nights ago and last night I didn't get much either." I said. Honesty I tried to keep m eyes open but they had a mind of their own. well not really but you know what I mean. good thing I didn't snore or drool because within 26 minutes my head slumped onto Jason's shoulder. I'm a heavy sleeper so I didn't wake up when Cooper started teasing him about me. " Aw how sweet, you're snuggling." he joked. "She fell asleep I did nothing." Jason scrambled. "I like her better when she's sleeping, it's sort of peaceful." "dude our lives have changed so much in the last week. James went from someone who was in a few of our classes to little sister." "mind fuck. I think her friend Erica is pretty chill though, they both act so different out of school. I'm taking a picture." "You know she will probably kill you if she figures out you have it right Coop?" "Worth it" Cooper said as he snapped a picture of Jason smiling with James sleeping on his side/ shoulder.

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