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I did not edit this chapter as closely as I did the others, I just it done and put up.

I was walking in the woods; I have been for hours now. The heavy snow fall made everything so quiet, I couldn't hear anything other than the crunching of my boots against the slowly freezing snow. I was on the second hour of my hike back to my cabin, I had two more to go, I was returning from a supply run. A recent supply drop had dropped over head, unfortunately the wind carried it quite some ways before it touched down.

As I made my way back to my cabin, I saw a strange lump just up ahead in the snow. I was board and tired, so I went to investigate. I'm stuck up here in the woods till the snow melts in the spring, if the silence doesn't drive me crazy, the lack of just doing something will.

I make my way over to the lump and start digging at it, I figured it could be a dead animal or a fallen tree, I was just board and wanted to take a break from walking. As I uncovered it more, I started to see color, the color yellow to be more specific, the more I uncovered the worse my fears became. A body, I have just uncovered a person in the snow. I reach for the neck of the young woman to see if she was still alive by some miracle; to my surprise and instant panic attack I found a heartbeat, faint but still there.

There was no way I could make it back to the cabin in seven feet of snow, carrying a woman who would die before I could make it back, this was her best chance of survival.

Throwing my pack off and getting my shovel out I began digging in the snow till I had a cave, I go inside and pact all the lose snow down, it wasn't very big, big enough for one person or two people very uncomfortably.

I take my emergency blanket out, laying it on the floor of my makeshift den. I return to the over-world and pick up the frozen Frau, realizing her clothes were soaked and were going to be the reasons she freezes to death, I do the only thing that will save her life.

"I'm sorry Frau, but I have to do zis." I quickly take off her clothes and put my under-jacket over her chest and her arms through the sleeves, after that is done, I pull her into the cave. I block the snow cave entrance with snow and my backpack to keep what little heat in here with us.

Using my overly big over-coat I get right up next to her, taking my shirt off I press my chest right up to her back using my body's warmth to warm her. I begin rubbing her arms, fingers, and her face to try and warm her up. I look at the back of her head and found a gash, something made by blunt force trauma, I'm used to seeing it a lot on the battlefield. Using the shirt, I just took off, I ripped it up and tied it around her head, that would have to do till I could really clean it.

Night came and went before she finally woke up; it was a long and sleepless night for me and a rude awakening for her.

"My head, what? Where am I?" A voice woke me from my tiny amount of sleep I was finally getting, flipping my lantern on I startle the poor Frau. "Who are you? Where am I? Please don't hurt me."

"Be still zere isn't much room in here. Vould jou like some Wasser?" I tell her trying to calm her down and get her to stay still.

"My clothes?! Where are my clothes!?" She looks down at the backwards coat I have put on her.

"Miss please, let me explain." She had started to move toward the back of the cave putting only about seven inches between our faces. "I found jou nearly frozen to death walking back to mein cabin, zere vas no vay I could have brought jau back zere in time to save jour life. I took jour clothes off because zey vere frozen, and zey vere going to be the reason jou vere to die. I promise I didn't do anything. I put my coat on jou to help varm jou up. Ich bin a Doktor, my name is Josef, ve are currently under about five feet of znow, in a znow cave vhere ve have been for about twelve hours, I have been trying to get jou to vake up. It's been at least twelve hours since jou have eaten. Are jou hungry? Thirsty?"

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