Rvb S11 E20 "Old friends"

Start from the beginning

Carolina: You've gotten better. I'm impressed.

Leo: Yeah well, after getting my ass handed to you multiple times, you start to pick up on things.

Leo goes to throw a punch at her helmet, but she catches it and throws a knee at his chest, before twirling his arm around, knocking him to the ground. He goes to get up, but Carolina quickly grabs ahold of his arm with her legs, keeping his arm locked in her hold. He struggles to escape, until eventually tapping out.

Leo: Alright! Alright! You win!

Carolina let's go of him and stands up as Leo remains on the ground, taking deep breaths.

Carolina: (Smirks) Seems like you've still got a lot to pick up on.

Leo: (Grunts) Yeah, I've noticed.

Carolina offers Leo her hand who accepts it and gets pulled onto his feet.

Leo: You'd think you go a bit easy? I think you nearly broke my arm that time.

Carolina: It wouldn't be as much of a challenge then would it?

Leo: Yeah, yeah whatever. You gotta admit, I almost had you that time.

Carolina: Sure you did. While your form is getting better and your thinking quicker on your feet, there's still more you can improve on.

Leo: Like how not to get my ass kicked?

Carolina: That's one of the things you can improve on. But that won't happen if you keep standing there.

Carolina says, as she gets into a fighting stance and gesturing with her hand "Come here". Leo cracks his neck a bit and shakes his arms out.

Leo: Here we go, again.

Leo runs at Carolina and jumps towards her, aiming to punch her head. She blocks it with her arms, Leo goes for another punch followed by a kick, but she's able to block them both and is able to hit him with a upwards kick. He stumbles back and shakes his head, before moving in again.

He goes to land a hard fist to the side of her helmet, but she ducks underneath it making him hit a panel on the wall. It leaves a dent with sparks coming out the edges, making Leo and Carolina halt their fight to look at it.

Leo: Whoops. You don't think that was important or anything, do yeah?

Suddenly, alarms and flashing red lights go off.

Leo rubs the back of his head.

Leo: (Nervously) ...Mysteriously crashed for some reason.

Tucker: Still, being trained by a badass freelancer. That's pretty awesome dude.

Leo: (Smiles) It sure is. So, you want to go again?

Tucker: Ugh why not, maybe I'll knock your ass to the ground this time.

Leo: (Chuckles) Keep dreaming.

As the two of them get into a fighting stance, a Republic Soldier comes running up to the two of them.

Republic Soldier: S-Sirs! Sirs! We have a problem!

Tucker and Leo both turn to the soldier.

Tucker: What is it?

Republic Soldier: It's Grif, again Sir! He's raiding the mess hall again, as we speak!

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