Chapter 1

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Team Excalibur may have lost in the Beyblade World Championships, and the leader, Julian Konzern had the most impact.

After all of Dr. Ziggurat stupid activities, Julian has been healing and the rest of the team have been healing.

Klaus has been training harder than ever in the gym up in Julian's mansion making a brand new record of 1350 lifts for weightlifting.

Sophie and Wales have been training with their Cetus Beys'.

Julian finally reunited with his parents and they told him that he maybe the softest as a Konzern heir, but definately the best Konzern at making friends. They have met Wales, Sophie and Klaus and they are the nicest friends that Julian could ever have.


Klaus got into his bath and relaxed enjoying the warm liquid on his skin. It's like he has never been more relaxed in his entire career.


Wales and Sophie stopped their beys and went off to their own rooms to have a little bit of a rest and change their clothes.


Julian was on his piano playing a song that he loved since he was a little boy. No body knew what it was because they didn't want to get involved with his buisness because Julian can get awfully stubborn.


Wales started to hear groans in Sophie's room and he was worried and curious... not sure on which one to feel. He knocked on her door and the groans stopped as she answered.

"Oh, hi Wales." She smiled to her best friend.

"Hi Sophie. Why was you groaning?" He asked.

"Oh Julian is in here with me explaining his past, and I am upset for him in certain ways." She was lying but he fell for it.

"Oh, okay." He smiled and left.

She closed the door and looked at Julian. He smiled a little rubbing the back of his neck embarressed. She sat next to him as they began to talk again.

"Truth or dare, Julian?"


"I dare you to uhm... hmm... say that you love Klaus to his face." Sophie giggled and Julian growled at her with a red face.

"Fine..." He got up and knocked on Klaus's door and waited for an answer. Sophie was with him of course as Klaus answered.

"Hey Julian, everything alright?"

"I love you Klaus!" He ran back to Sophie's room and started to get upset and tear up.

Sophie sat by him.

"I'm sorry Julian." She sniffed and Julian looked away in complete embarressment. "Julian..." Sophie hugged him gently and he showed a slight blush and then he sighed and hugged her back.

"It's okay." He calmed slowly and moved away. "I'm off to bed now anyway." He arrose and smiled at Sophie leaving the room.

"Sophie and her pathetic games sometimes." Klaus layed on the bed and chuckles. "Making Julian say that he loves me. Now that is something you don't see everyday from a heir." Klaus yawned and removed his shirt.

Wales placed his Blue Cetus Bey next to his fish bowl and layed down in bed in a very thin shirt and shorts. He didn't worry about anyone coming in because Julian and Klaus are boys. Then again, he never thought if Sophie would ever come in.

Sophie was in a normal night wear. She didn't want anyone to feel uncomfortable around her in awkward clothes. She put her White Cetus Bey on her window sill with the window shut and curled up in bed thinking on what tomorrow will become.

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