"gemma!" i squealed running towards my best friend and hugging her

"i've missed you" she said into my hair as we continued to hug

we took a step back and admired her, she was 22 now and gorgeous. her eyes looked bright, her hair was nearly tucked behind her ears and she was wearing a white lace camisole with black jegings.

harrison was beside her in suit pants and a white shirt

"harrison!" i said pulling him in for a light hug

"how's travelling?" i asked them both

"amazing!" gushed harrison

"so beautiful! next we we are heading to Goa!" gemma said

"i'm so halt for you, but ya gotta promise to come visit"

"promise" gemma giggled

i walked back to the kitchen and out of the sliding glass doors to see the boys sat around the open fire with rose and beer

"concerting my daughter already i see?" i laughed at george. i took rose and put her in her swing set so she could enjoy the sun while we talked.

"matty was just telling us about how you got promoted at work, that's amazing" ross said

"thankyou! i worked my arse off for it so i'm glad i got it"

i sat on mattys knee while he wrapped his arms around my waist

"i'm proud of her" matty said nuzzling into my neck, i giggled and pushed him away

"ew love, it sickens me" ross laughed

"oi" i said pointing my heel at him

2 hours later

there was soft music drifting through the house, we had almost all moved out into the garden, gemma had put rose down for a nap as she was getting quite tired with everyone around.

i was still sat on mattys knee and i had no intention of moving any time soon, well i didn't until my mum and dad spoke up

"we should get going" my mum and dad said

"i'll walk you out!" i said getting up

we walked toward the large door while my heels clicked on the high ceilings,

"you're so lucky" my mum said

"i know" i replied

"look after yourself" my dad said kissing my cheek.

denise had showed up for all of five minutes before leaving and mattys dad was sick so he didn't come in the end. i hoped matty wasn't too upset about it because the day had been great and i'd really enjoyed it.

i walked back outside, the fire was dying down a little. gemma, harrison, kian, lewis, matty and the boys were all that were left. it was nice.

"this is nice" i said thinking aloud

"what is love?" matty asked

i gestured with my hands

"us, sat around the fire"

"who'd of though it?" george laughed

"not me!" gemma said

"i'm thankful that we are all here" i said

"here here" lewis and kian said raising their beer

the boys all nodded and held their beers up in toast too, me and gemma raised our wine glasses instead.

ross and adam were the next two to leave alongside my brother and his boyfriend, me and matty walked them to the door and hugged them goodnight

"call me when you're home" i made them promise. of course i still worried.

george, gemma and harrison were al staying the night which i was glad about, i wasn't ready to say goodbye to gemma yet.

"george have you decided yet?" matty asked

george was still living in matty and george's old flat, he had to chose wether to move out or sign the contract for another 12 months

"i dunno yet" he said

"i think you'll stay" i said

"i suppose you have a reason for that" he replied

"you're lazy" i shrugged

"fuck off" he laughed

"no you are lazy" matty said

"and from what i can remember, messy" gemma joined in

"oh he is" matty told her

"this isn't slag off george hour"

"oh it is" me and gemma cackled

"you're like witches you too" george retorted

once the fire had died out and we'd all got sufficiently tipsy we decided it was time for bed. gemma and harrison had one guest room and george had the other.

"seeya tomorrow" gemma laughed, she was fully drunk

"thankyou for coming" i whispered cautious to not wake rose

"of course, anything anytime"

"i love you" i told her

"and i love you"

i walked back into my room and took the locket off, carefully placing it in my jewellery box. i then brushed my hair and folded some clothes. being a mum is a full time job, it doesn't stop even when you're tipsy, trust me.

i finally walked over to the bed to see matty, he has his circle glasses propped on his nose as he got stuck into a book where as i opted to just watch, i was too light headed to do anything but sit.

after about half an hour he put the book down and kissed me slowly, every time felt like the first

"i love you so much" he whispered

"i love you" i said back

he snuggled beneath the covers and i may my head in his chest, i met my fingers trace his tattoo, i would never bore of doing that.

the house was still apart from the light hum of the baby monitor and mattys steady breathing. this was all i could have wanted from life, the perfect family and job.

my eyes were heavy and falling fast but i didn't want this night to slip away, i heard matty stir beneath me and before i knew what was happening i was asleep myself.

matty healy, falling in love over nightWhere stories live. Discover now