Chapter 2

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The less time they spent in each other's company the safer it was, for both of them, and for those around them. She really didn't want to trigger a slanging match, and she was sure that if they ever had to do more than mouth platitudes, then the conversation would be closer to a brawl rather than dialogue. She was amazed that they had managed to avoid talking to each other for nearly two years. Though given Amelia's infatuation with his brother, Gabriella figured she was going to have to find a way to cope with being in David's company.

"You couldn't spare a few minutes could you?" Amelia spun around to face David. She was completely unaware that the two other people were desperate to get away from each other. Of course she'd noticed that Ella and David rarely spoke to each other, but she just put that down to Ella being her usual reserved self and David being the rogue he was. Both of them were not short of admirers, and Amelia figured they were both playing hard to get, neither wishing to concede and make the first move. So she figured she would help them along. "I'm just not sure which jacket would be best, and well, Ella probably has as much understanding about these things as me, so..."

"Thanks" Ella replied drolly, wanting to take Amelia outside for a stern talking to. What was she playing at? It wasn't as if she didn't know that she and David did not talk to each other. "David's working. He's probably got to get back to school." Ella reminded Amelia more pointedly, hoping her friend would pick up on the less than subtle hint.

"Oh, yes, sorry. I am taking up his..."

The fact that she had acknowledged his presence while not really talking to him, had his jaw clenching in fury. She really did have snooty, sanctimonious, bitch down to a fine T. "I can spare a few minutes." David looked at Ella with more than annoyance in his eyes. He waited for Ella to make eye contact. She could tell from the message in his eyes that he wasn't terribly impressed with her blatant move to get rid of him or the fact that she had embarrassed Amelia into believing Amelia was being pushy.

"You sure?" Amelia seemed more hesitant now. Perhaps her plan to get these two together was not a good one. Not if that look David had just given Ella was anything to go by. "I didn't mean to force your hand." Amelia petered out, wondering whether she should just head for the counter and pay for the bike shorts before things got worse.

"It's lunchtime. I've got," David glanced at his watch, "another half hour." He smiled at Amelia. There was something about her that just made you want to look out for her, a kind of quiet vulnerability that was cloaked behind a veneer of confidence. He liked her. He knew Jack liked her a lot, though he was sure Jack would deny it if challenged.

"I came, well, cause I thought Jack would be here, and could help me find the stuff. He'd know what we'd need." And Amelia wanted to talk to him about his comments about Jane. Amelia wanted to clear the air before they started on the cycle trip, and she had hoped to have a caught up with him here, today. Instead, when they'd arrived and she'd casually asked the sales assistant if Jack was around, she'd been told he was out of the office today. No more information forthcoming.

"He's in Wellington." David told Amelia and watched for her reaction. He was pleased by what he saw. Jack's interest may be reciprocated. "He opened his third store there, three months ago." David replied, though he kept his eyes on Amelia he was very conscious of Ella, knew when she'd moved further away, when she folded her arms, when she tipped her head to study him. That's what annoyed him. Two years of living with this extra sensory perception where she was concerned. Enough.

"Oh." Amelia realised that she wouldn't have another opportunity to catch up with Jack before they set up for the cycle trip. And she was impressed to hear that his business was expanding. But in reality she expected him to do well. He had that air about him. You just knew that if he set his mind to something it would be done, and done well. "Gosh, he's doing really well, isn't he."

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