Chapter 7

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 “Hurry ba-ack, hurry ba-ack! Be sure to bring your…death certificate” The creepy ghost-like skeleton bride said in a recognizable voice.

I’d probably heard her say it a hundred times, but it never ceased to make me smile in a slightly frightened way. Having survived the Haunted Mansion journey mostly unscathed, our buggy came to a stop.

Rorie jumped out and moved ahead of me quickly. The green light shined off of her dark hair as she walked up the stairs. I hated not knowing what was bothering her even for a moment. She looked tense, as if every muscle in her body was committed to over thinking something. If I knew her, and I do, she is analyzing all the possible angles; every tiny, little detail, picking apart the ins and outs of it. I knew it was Henry, and that she wanted to loose the guys, but this was an unusual reaction for her, after all, we had just met them and everyone seemed to be getting along fine.

The four of us were now outside and although I must admit I was a little disappointed, Rorie came first, so I began thinking about how we could handle the whole "ditching them" thing. Maybe we could say we got reservations at the Blue Bayou for dinner for two and there would be no room for them… No, that wouldn’t work considering it’s still lunchtime. Oh, maybe we could say that one of us isn’t feeling well and we have to leave. But, what if we see them later in the day, I mean we have “bumped into each other” quite a few times today.

“I think Lilah and I are going to spend some birthday girl time with just the two of us.” Rorie broke the silence.

So much for my next brilliant idea.  She was always great about getting right to the point.

In response, Michael had one of those body-thrusting sneezes. Luckily he turned away in time for our circle to not be contaminated.

I was about to say bless you when Henry said, “Wait for it.”

“AHHH-CHUU” Michael sneezed again. At his second sneeze I immediately thought of Rorie’s younger sister Rene. She sneezes in threes.

I looked over at Henry. Like Rorie, he seemed to be lost in thought also. They both shared a sense of discomfort in the way they were standing; in the way their faces were set. I chose not to say anything. I gave Michael a questioning look to see if he knew anything. He only shrugged his shoulders and the silence rolled on.

“It was really nice to meet you, Michael,” Rorie said with a look of almost confusion on her face. She was smiling, but I knew her well enough to see that it was a mask she wanted off as soon as possible. She then looked to Henry, the smile left her face but it wasn’t replaced with sadness. She lifted her hand as if to wave goodbye, but she just let her arm fall back to her side.

“Maybe we could meet up later.” Michael said with a puppy dog smile.

“Okay, we’re heading out now.” Rorie said completely ignoring Michael as she began to pull me away.

“Bye guys. Henry, it was nice meeting you. And Michael, I know you will make the right decision, I had a good time talking to you.” Suddenly Rorie and I were walking away. When I finally looked back, they were out of sight.

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