Hidden Emotions

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The room was quick to empty as people rushed to go begin packing.  I was left behind with the Alpha and Jason. Luna couldn't attend this meeting since she was helping care for the new wolves in quarantine. 

"Where's Juliet?" I asked to no one in particular.

The Alpha was the one who answered. "Shes helping Luna with caring for the new wolves. They both should be coming back within an hour or so. I suggest you go take it easy for a bit." 

I looked up to the two of them before nodding and heading off. Thankfully, Jason stayed behind. 

I made a brisk walk to my room, weaving in between the pack members grabbing packing supplies for their homes or rooms. My leg was burning with each step but I just wanted to be away from everyone. I had an hour to kill before I could see Juliet so I might as well take the chance to actually clean up. I haven't had a shower in a few days and I wanted to rid my body of the death that the Red Ridge Pack was tainted with. 

I rested my hand on the doorknob before taking a breath and opening it. It was difficult seeing this space after what Jason had done. The simple sight of the bed woke the memories of what occurred and brought nothing but discomfort. I shrugged out of my clothes and tossed them onto the bed. I pushed open the bathroom door and leaned my hands on the counter while surveying what I had to deal with. The white hair was something I wasn't used to yet but I did enjoy it. I ran a hand through the dirty locks of hair before letting it fall again. My body was free from injury aside from the major ones caused by the fight. I unwrapped the bandaged on my shoulder and saw the bruise was fading nicely. I rolled the joint and felt little pain.

I moved to my leg now, carefully unwrapping the bandage to see the damage. I was stupid to have let that wolf hold on for as long as they did. 

The bite marks were still noticeable but getting better. I still felt pain with any pressure but hopefully it will be gone in a day or so. 

Now do I want a shower or a bath? After all the running I've done I really don't want to have to stand up so.. bath it is. 

I drew back the curtain and plugged the bathtub before running the water. Since my ability to block out the cold was taking a vacation I turned the heat all the way up. Running my hand across the spout brought chills up my spine at the warmth it was radiating. 

We need to go swim at some point in your other form. I miss our clean white fur.. My wolf sighed as they rolled on their back. 

Hopefully we'll have the chance before we move. 

Where do you think we're going? I'm anxious to know. Maybe being away from this room.. and this place will help us move forward. My wolf spoke again. 

Honestly.. I have no idea. 

I shut the water off, and slowly climbed in. I had to hold on to the sides to ensure I didn't fall when using my injured leg. The waters warmth calmed my aching muscles and relaxed my mind and body. I slipped into the water and let it wade up to my chin. I let my eyes drift shut as my mind sifted through the information I was given from that wolf. I initially thought I only understood Greek but now that I can finally see what I know.. I've learned multiple languages but only specific words from each. 

They all seem to revolve around power.. primitive power. 

I opened my eyes again and looked up to the plain white ceiling. This all feels like it would be overwhelming but.. I don't think I've even properly comprehended it. 

"I think you're making great progress" A voice came. 

My eyes widened and I sat up and looked over. The large gold and white wolf sat before the tub. I rushed to draw the curtain over slightly and covered myself from their view. 

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